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Library Services


A range of high-quality resources for Mathematical Sciences are available on the web. Start exploring them below.

If interested in actuarial science, refer to the subject specific page.

General journal directories

Online lectures

  • Coursera: Online courses some are free and some cost money (especially if you want a diploma/certificate)
  • EdX: Free online courses from the top universities in the world (for a diploma/certificate it costs money.)


Revision help



  • The Joy of Stats: Uplifting celebration on the use of statistics from the Swedish statistician Hans Rosling produced by the BBC.
  • Office for National Statistics: UK's largest collector of statistical information and its recognised national institute.
  • Offstats: A rich guide to websites containing statistical information from around the world curated by the University of Auckland Library.

For more statistics website visit the Business and Finance Subject Guide on Statistical Sources

Information portals

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