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PASS - Peer Assisted Study Support at QMUL

PASS is a course-based mentoring scheme, run for students by students. It gives first-years the opportunity to discuss study-related problems and get general advice from higher-year undergraduates in their subject. The scheme is firmly established at Queen Mary with 14 departments/schools running regular sessions.

Why 'peer' mentoring?

There is no barrier, student to student. Each subject mentor has a very useful perspective to offer the mentees. PASS is a valuable and complementary addition to the wide range of more formal teaching and support offered to students.

Photos in the slideshow above are from the PASS certificate ceremony which recognises the hard work of students organisers and mentors. 

Who is involved in PASS?

Volunteer mentors are the most important part of PASS. Without them, the scheme could not run. They can offer first-years something staff members cannot – recent experience of being a first-year in the mentees’ own school or departments. 


Mentors in each department give varying amounts of time, it is a flexible scheme. Mentors who commit to more than 3 sessions per semester are accredited through HEAR.

Who can be a mentor?

Mentors are second and third-year volunteers chosen or approved by their school or department. Most mentors are motivated by wanting to give new students the help they wished they had had at the same stage. Through mentoring, students increase their own academic and social confidence and gain useful experience and key employability skills. 

What is the key skill of a PASS mentor?

Mentors are there to help mentees come to their own conclusions and solutions, not to supply answers. 

How can you become a mentor? 

Mentor recruitment will open again in March-April 2025. 

For more information about the role see the careers jobs and work experience web page. Please note: compulsory training sessions are held at the start of each new academic year.

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