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Teaching and Learning: Feather and Oil Experiment, 1979.

In this photograph from 1979, an experiment is being carried out in the Engineering Department to examine the effects of oil on feathers.

This sort of experimental practical work is what leads to discoveries and innovative research papers. Students, particularly postgraduate, learn through this type of experimentation and research work.

In the Electrical Engineering Department, 1920-21, the calendar states ‘Students who are sufficiently advanced are encouraged to take part in special tests and researches which are being carried on in the department, the results of which are published at intervals.’

In the 1980s postgraduate students of the Engineering department carried out experiments in which they built machinery with the aim of being able to detect hidden objects through walls.

Other experiments include ‘research in reactions of tree radicals using mass spectrometry’ Chemistry 1979, and Zoology experiments in 1938 on the breeding of locusts.

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