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Academic Life: Student regulations, c.1908

Student rules were not confined to attendance at lectures and behaviour. They have also included compulsory attendance at meals, gate fines for arriving back in College late, being unable to go outside of College alone, appropriate clothing and shoes to wear, permission to get married, permission to be absent from College overnight, permission to hold parties in Halls of Residences, and permission for men visitors in student rooms.

A rule some students found particularly restrictive was the curfew to be back in College, '...the rule that we had to be in College by 10pm...precluded an evening theatre or concert in London, unless you could afford a taxi the whole way back, or climbed in later from the waterworks nexr door.' (D.A. Vernon, student 1913-1916)

The Principal often posted additional notices relating to student behaviour. For instance in 1969, the Principal, Bryan Thwaites stated, 'Now that bikini-time is delightfully upon us, may I offer the following thoughts...Bare flesh looks well against a background of green grass, but not so well elsewhere, indoors or outdoors...Propriety appropriate to a London academic institution rather than a seaside holiday camp might be the order of the day.'



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