Elements is a research information system collecting and providing data about scholarly outputs and other relevant research activities by Queen Mary researchers. The database provides a single interface for researchers to add information about their scholarly publishing, upload full content into the repository, and maintain up-to-date publications lists in the Research Publications website. Researchers can also record other professional activities such as fellowships, committee memberships, awards and recognition from external bodies. Elements also provides research managers and administrators with data about the scholarly output of individuals, groups, and Schools through its reporting functions.
Elements is the University's chosen system for capturing and reporting on research related activity, as well as the system that underpins the institutional repository, QMRO. Details of all publications and other research activities, regardless of whether they will be submitted to REF, should be recorded in Elements as the data is used for a number of key purposes including:
- REF submissions to the Research Management System.
- uploading content to the institutional repository, QMRO.
- internal reporting exercises.
- maintaining up-to-date publications lists in the Research Publications website.
- providing lists of publications for some staff profiles on School webpages.
Queen Mary Research Online (QMRO) is an open access institutional repository of research outputs created at Queen Mary University of London. QMRO also holds the eThesis collection; in particular the electronic copies of Theses awarded from 2009, and digitised theses provided to the College as part of the British Library EThOS (Electronic Theses Online Service) programme.
Why should your publications be in QMRO?
- It provides a permanent showcase for your research
- It improves the dissemination, visibility and impact of your research publications
- It helps to ensure that you comply with University, funder and other open access mandates and policies
In order to maximise the visibility of all of QMUL’s research, all academic staff are encouraged to use Elements and QMRO to manage their research information and ensure that their publications are as widely disseminated as possible. Doing so effectively is increasingly important to funding bodies and helps to generate research exposure.
Research Publications
The Research Publications website provides a public portal to publications lists for each researcher. Where available, links are provided for the published version of the item via a DOI, and also any versions held in QMRO, making it easier for visitors to the University website to gain access to information about your scholarly output.
Scopus, Elsevier’s abstract and citation database, was used as the citation source for REF2021, and is the data source for citation metrics in World University Ranking schemes (QS, THE), so it is particularly important that researcher information is accurate in this database and that all scholarly output indexed within Scopus is correctly attributed to the authors and institutions from which it was generated. Each researcher and institution is provided with a Scopus profile and it is advisable to check that the information recorded for you is accurate and as complete as possible.
Personal profile management in Scopus
- Use the author search tab to search for your profile
- Use the 'request author detail corrections' link on the author profile page to report inconsistencies, errors or ask for profiles to be merged
Things to look out for
- Multiple instances of your name in the author profile search results.
- Variations of your name in the author profile page.
- Erroneous documents associated with your profile that are not yours.
- Missing documents from your profile that are indexed in Scopus.
- Missing institutional affiliation information.
Help is available via the Scopus Support Center.