Requesting E-Resources
Requesting new e-books
If you'd like access to an e-book that Library Services doesn't currently have, you can request that we purchase a copy using the 'Get it for me' service. You can also use this service to request a book chapter.
The Library is currently operating an e-first policy. This means that the e-book version of a title will be purchased if at all possible.
For more information on e-book licenses, ordering quotas, and more, see the Acquisitions webpage.
Requesting e-journals and articles
If you'd like access to an article or issue of a journal that we don't currently subscribe to, you can request an inter-library loan via our 'Get it for me' service.
Members of academic staff can request new subscriptions. If you are a student, ask a lecturer, your tutor or a course leader to email Queen Mary Libraries on your behalf. More information can be found on our subscription pages.
Senate House
Before submitting a request for a new e-resource, you'll be asked to check the Senate House catalogue, as Queen Mary students and staff can access some e-resources from Senate House Library. Information on how to register as a member can be found on their website.