Library Reps
Information for students and academic staff
The Library Representative is a member of staff appointed by a school or institute to liaise with Library Services about the acquisition and use of Library resources and promote the use of library resources and services to staff and students in their school or institute.
The Library Rep will be the primary point of contact within the school or institute for Library Services, maintaining up-to-date knowledge of Library Services provision and services and acting as a critical friend to Library Services.
If you are a student or a member of academic staff, you can contact your Library Rep by accessing the List of Library Reps (QMUL login is required).
Information for Library Reps
As a Library Rep, you may be asked to liaise with the library on behalf of your School or Department in a variety of areas. Below, we have provided some FAQs to help you clarify who to contact within Library Services.
Help to publicize the library’s resources, services and events, by keeping staff and students in your School or Department up to date with library news and developments. You can also encourage other members of staff to engage with the library by:
- providing reading lists
- making requests for new resources
- participating in consultations or surveys
- building library induction / information literacy sessions into the curriculum
Each school is given a target allocation of the book budget. This is based on spend in previous years and publishing data received from suppliers. Throughout the year, spend is monitored and target allocations adjusted accordingly. The subscriptions budget is centralised – schools do not have their own allocation. If you have any questions about resource provision, please contact:
- For book budget allocation:
- For funding for subscriptions:
- To order new books, send an email to
Please note: some Schools/Departments prefer their library representative co-ordinates book orders, so check with the outgoing library rep about the preference for ordering books in your School/Department.
Yes, we have a contract in place with John Smiths Bookshop. Please contact Jenni Morton (
If you would like to suggest that we subscribe to a new title, please fill the new subscription request form.
To identify books, journals or databases available that are relevant to your discipline, see the subject pages on the library website. Alternatively, try the Library Search to carry out a quick search across all of our resources at the same time. For help in finding or searching resources available through the library, contact your faculty librarian (see point 9 for details).
If you are unable to access an electronic article, journal or book that the library subscribes to, please contact us.
Reading Lists Online is a web-based system designed to manage reading lists through a single online application.
- For academics – enables you to create, manage and maintain your lists online and make these available to
students. The system allows you to add digitised content to your lists and carries out a series of checks to
ensure copyright compliance. - For students – provides easy online access to reading lists and to materials on those lists through direct links
to the Library catalogue, electronic books and journals, and other resources.
Staff Library Reps - For Library Services – helps us to review lists and make sure the right materials are discoverable and in place
at the right time.
Copyright guidance information is available on the copyright page. For specific enquiries about copyright, please contact
Information about the inter-library loan service, with FAQs, is available on the ILL page.
The Archives hold records of the College, other private papers and records of organizations dating from the 18th Century to present day. The Archives team are able to help with accessing and using the collections as well as providing record copying and other outreach services. For more information email
Research Information, Research Data and open access
The Repository and Research Information Team manage institutional systems to support the recording and sharing of research publications and data and help researchers to meet open access policy set out by Research Councils UK and the Association of Medical Research Charities, including processing requests for open access publishing from block grants awarded to the College for these purposes.
To contact the team, email:
Researcher Development Programme
Research Support coordinate a range of training activities designed for researchers, including literature searching and the critical review, open access and open licensing, copyright, data management, provided through the framework of the Centre for Academic and Professional Development.
The Academic Skills Centre provides advice and guidance to help students to develop the academic and research skills they need to excel at university. We do this by delivering one-to-one tutorials, workshops and online resources for students at all levels. Each Faculty has a Academic Skills and Liaison Librarian whose role is to develop and deliver information literacy skills support to students throughout the curriculum, either through in-class presentations or workshops or through the delivery of online learning materials. Contact us to request a presentation or workshop for your class.
For information about all of the above and more, investigate the Using Library Services and Self Service sections the Library Website and the Library Landing Page on QMplus.