Disability and Dyslexia Library Support
Queen Mary University Library Services offer a variety of additional services to Queen Mary students and staff who have a disability or other specific need.
Information on access to the Library buildings

There is a dedicated assistive technology room on the ground floor of the Mile End Library, room no. ME-G.17 which includes:
- Computer with large flat screens
- Software:
- JAWS screen reader
- NVDA screen reader
- Zoomtext Magnifier/Reader
- Claroread
- Mindview
- SensusAccess (online tool available from any internet-connected device)
- Height adjustable desks (There are also more of these on each floor at Mile End Library.)
The room is accessible via your Queen Mary ID card, for those registered with the Disability and Dyslexia Service (DDS). If you are not yet registered with them, or are having problems accessing the room please contact dds@qmul.ac.uk
There is another AT Room at West Smithfield library, and a height adjustable desk + special PC at the Whitechapel Library.
Bespoke Library inductions are available at all sites highlighting the software, hardware and support offered at each library location.
Please contact the Library: library@qmul.ac.uk
Library staff will fetch copies of physical items for Disability and Dyslexia Service (DDS) students who are mobility impaired. The fetched items will be stored on the ground floor of Mile End or Whitechapel Library, and the user will be notified when they are ready for collection.
When someone other than the student collects the items, this is known as Proxy Fetching. The proxy can be another student or any non-QM person nominated by the student.
Assuming students have exhausted all other options to acquire an accessible copy of item offered by DDS, students can submit a book scan request. Library staff will then scan the chapter and/or book checking that each page is visually accessible and free of annotation.
We will then upload the PDF scan to Sensus Access which will make the scan compatible with a wide range of support software. We will then contact the student and send them the pdf version of the book/chapter using the contact information the student has provided. If students require a physical printed version of the book the same protocol will be followed, but the scan will be printed instead of converted to a pdf.
When a book is issued DDS users can request to extend their loan for an extra week. They can do this at the Welcome Desk, via email or library chat
Students can contact library staff via library@qmul.ac.uk to arrange the safe collection and return of library books free of charge. However, users must provide suitable packaging when using this service.
Study carrels are available on the first floor of Mile End Library.
To access these users must first register with DDS, who notify the Library.
Registered eligible students can request a key from library staff at the ground floor Welcome Desk, which will then be issued to their account, and must be returned there before they leave the Library (normal opening times).
If you are a student registered with the College Disability and Dyslexia Service you may be able to reclaim the costs of printing and photocopying from your funding body.
DDS users are able to request invoices of their printing and copying once per term via Web Help Desk.
If you are unsure about your eligibility for reclaiming printing and photocopying costs, please contact the Disability and Disability Service on (0)20 7882 2756 or by email at dds@qmul.ac.uk.
To be eligible for these services, Queen Mary students must first register with the College Disability and Dyslexia Service.
Contact them via:
Disability and Dyslexia Service
Room 3.06, Francis Bancroft Building
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road
E1 4NS
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7882 2756
Email: dds@qmul.ac.uk
Queen Mary University Library Services is committed to making its services, spaces and collections equally accessible to all its users, and we liaise with the Disability and Dyslexia Service to ensure that all needs are met as far as possible, and to maintain this service.
If you would like to further discuss your support needs, please contact:
Nick Holloway
QM Library
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7882 8955
Email: library@qmul.ac.uk