Laptops Loan Service
About the service
QMUL students can borrow DELL laptops from the self-service machine located on the ground floor at both Mile End and Whitechapel Library. We offer 180 laptops for loan at Mile End Library and 24 at Whitechapel Library.
Borrowing a Laptop
To borrow a laptop you need your Student ID card and your Library PIN.
Detailed instructions are shown on the screen of the laptop cabinet.
Loan Duration
Laptops can be borrowed for up to 72 hours.
Chargers are available for loan from the Welcome Desk.
Laptops cannot be renewed remotely and have to be taken back to the library. You will then be able to borrow another laptop that is fully charged.
Laptops must be returned to the same library that they were borrowed from.
Please remember to plug the power cable back in and close the locker door to clear the loan from your library account.
If the laptop is faulty please bring it to IT Service Desk from 08:00 to 18:00 Monday-Friday. Outside those hours please go to the Library Welcome Desk or contact 020 7882 8888.
Damage or Loss
If the laptop is damaged beyond repair through misuse or is lost, you may be liable for replacement costs of £710.
Saving Files
Do not save any files to the desktop or local hard drive as they will be deleted.
Unfortunately, once the laptop has turned off, it is not possible to retrieve data from the previous session. Instead, save your files to your G: Drive, or other external storage.
Printing from a laptop
To print from a laptop use the wireless printing service via MyPrint
Terms and conditions
Laptops are for QMUL student use only. The service is not available to staff.
Laptops must be returned by the due time/date to the library from which they were borrowed.
The loans are not transferrable. The laptops cannot be passed to anybody else and must be personally returned.
The University and Library Services are not responsible for any damage to the borrower’s data storage device(s), loss of data caused by software, hardware, battery failure or computer viruses
In the event of a problem accruing to the device whilst on loan, IT Services must be contacted immediately.
Loss or damage to the laptops may result in charges for repair, or replacement costs in the region of £710.
Contact us
For any queries or feedback about the laptop loan service please email us at or