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Library Services

Dissertation support, training and drop ins

Our Academic Skills specialists and Faculty Liaison Librarians in Teaching and Learning Support, have a range of workshops and drop in sessions available to support research skills development and dissertation writing.

Check out the subject guides and Academic Skills pages, or contact your Faculty Liaison Librarian for more information and specific help.


FacultyActivityDate and TimeHow to join
All faculties Dissertation support workshop series Beginning 16th June, 1pm Further information and booking
Humanities and Social Sciences Workshops and drop ins on database searching and find evidence online  Wednesdays, 10am-12noon 

No booking required. 

join the online Zoom session 

Medicine and Dentistry Workshops on literature and database searching and reference management  Dates and times vary  Further information and booking
Science and Engineering Workshops on reference management software and finding evidence online  Dates and times vary  Further information and booking

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