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School of Mathematical Sciences

Celebrating EDI in Science and Engineering

Thursday 27 June, Maths Building

Join colleagues from across Science and Engineering for a hybrid event on Thursday 27 June to celebrate EDI in our Faculty. The event will take place from 2.30-5.30pm in the Maths Building.

We will hear from guest speakers who are champions for EDI as well as a LGBTQIA+ panel discussion with academic and professional services staff from S&E. The event will conclude with a reception. 

Registration for the event has now closed.

We look forward to seeing you soon!


2:30pm: Welcome - Maths Lecture Theatre

2:35-3:30pm: Prof Nira Chamberlain, The black heroes of Mathematics - Maths Lecture Theatre

Abstract: The 2017 film, “Hidden Figures”, is based on the true story of a group of black female mathematicians that served as the brains behind calculating the momentous launch of the NASA astronaut John Glenn into orbit. However, these mathematicians of colour are not the only ‘Hidden Figures’.
Nira will discuss other inspirational men and women who overcame obstacles to prove that ‘mathematics is truly for everybody!’

3:30-4pm: Dr Tony Hill, Levelling Up Maths - Maths Lecture Theatre

Abstract: Levelling Up: STEM nurtures A-level students from underserved groups in Maths, Physics & Chemistry who may be planning to study a STEM subject at university. Combining high quality academic material, with an integrated pastoral programme, it is delivered, over 12 months, in small tutor groups by STEM undergraduates or postgraduates. After a successful pilot programme in 2021/22, it is currently running in 29 UK universities. The talk will begin with a brief overview from programme founder Tony Hill followed by two QMUL postgraduate tutors, Jordan Marajh and Kabiru Abubakari, who will share their experience of participating in Levelling Up: Maths for Black heritage students.

4-4:30pm: Coffee break

4:30-5:30pm: Pride in S&E: a panel discussion - Maths Seminar Room MB-503

5:30pm: Reception - Maths Common Room


Prof Nira Chamberlain OBE is a leading British mathematician who uses mathematics to solve complex problems in various industries. Despite facing discouragement early on, he obtained a PhD and has made significant contributions, including a model for the HMS Queen Elizabeth's carriers. He actively promotes math through public lectures and media appearances, and advocates for diversity in the field. He was awarded OBE for his services to mathematics and is a role model for aspiring mathematicians.

Tony Hill was formerly a teacher in the North East before pursuing a career in the software industry. He went on to become Chief Executive Officer of Micro Focus, leading the company to a successful float on the London Stock Exchange in 2005. Having grown up on a council estate and being the first in his family to attend university, Tony is passionate about widening participation in higher education. He is the founder of the Levelling Up scheme to support A-level students from underserved backgrounds.

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