School Initiatives
We are very proud of many School’s initiatives to improve inclusivity. Some of our successful activities are below.
Flexible teaching
The School of Mathematical Sciences strongly supports flexible working and recognises the additional pressures placed on members of staff by caring responsibilities such as parental responsibilities or caring for a relative. Some flexible working needs may be met by a more informal approach and there may be no need for a contractual change. We have developed a mechanism for the School to accommodate requests for flexible hours of teaching that do not require contractual changes, launched in 2018.
Support for childcare costs associated with conference attendance
Since 2014, small awards (of up to £150 per year per person) are available to PhD students, research, academic and professional services staff to help support the extra childcare costs associated with attendance at conferences. This fund has been established in recognition that conference attendance is important both for individuals and for the School, yet it invariably involves an extra burden of childcare for those with young children.
Women’s Lunches
Since early 2019 we hold monthly Women’s Lunches during term time to encourage social support amongst women in the School. All female staff (academic and administrative) and PhD students are invited. Women bring their own lunch and the School provides hot drinks, fruit and biscuits.
The Outreach team have hosted around 1,000 students on campus each year, including several events specifically promoted to girls. In 2019 and 2020 we also held "Girls in Mathematics" day and in 2020 we held a successful "Women in Mathematics" day which attracted 70 attendees, half from external institutions. Ideas and support for these activities are always welcome by the Outreach team.
Core hours for School’s activities
Committee meetings are always scheduled during core hours (10am-4pm), and from 2019/2020 all seminars series and other key events are also held during core hours.