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School of Mathematical Sciences

Alexandre Tytgat

I joined Queen Mary as a PhD student in early 2023, and so far it has been an amazing journey. I am part of the Statistics and Data Science at the School of Mathematics. Prior to my time here, I completed my Bachelor's degree in Physics and pursued a Master's degree in Data Science at UCLouvain in Belgium.

My research revolves around the development of innovative methods for forecasting panel data and high dimensional time series. It's a thrilling area with applications in diverse fields such as macroeconomics, healthcare, finance, and environmental science. For example, techniques I'm exploring play a crucial role in forecasting economic indicators like GDP and have real-world implications for public policies.

Choosing Queen Mary for my PhD has been a wonderful decision. The School of Mathematics covers a broad range of subjects, allowing me to explore various disciplines and cultivate my academic curiosity. I've had the privilege to attend talks by top researchers through courses, workshops, and events organised by Queen Mary, the broader Russell Group, and the London School of Mathematics. The university also provides numerous opportunities to develop both as an academic and for a career in industry.

The support I've received from the staff and the warm QM community has been exceptional. As an international student, arriving in London without knowing anyone, the School of Mathematical Sciences has become like a second home, and the various groups and activities have helped me build meaningful connections with fellow students.

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