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School of Mathematical Sciences

Timeline for SMS PhD students

Below is an overview of the structure of a full-time PhD programme. We have highlighted the points in the year at which key activities and assessments take place across the four years of study.

For part-time students and those who start their programme at a time other than September, review dates will be altered accordingly (part-time students are expected to submit within seven years and to attempt first-year progression within 12–18 months from registration).

Throughout your studies: 

  • Meet regularly with your supervisor and log these meeting on MySIS.
  • Attend relevant seminars. 
  • Log all courses and training activity via the Skills Points system. 

Enrol and register.

Attend Queen Mary PhD Induction with the Doctoral College.

Register for and attend 4 LTCC courses. (These are graduate level mathematics courses intended to broaden your mathematical education.)

Complete year 1 review to confirm progression to second year of PhD within 6-9 months of enrolment.

Present poster at School of Mathematical Sciences Postgraduate Research Day.

Complete year 2 review by 24 months after initial enrolment.

Present talk at School of Mathematical Sciences Postgraduate Research Day.

Complete third year review by 36 months after initial enrolment.

Draft a timetable for completion and transfer to writing up.

Submit Examination Entry Form three months before thesis submission

Submit Thesis: Thesis submission should be at least one month before any date set for the oral examination (viva).

Viva (from around 2 months after submission).

Any corrections that are required post-viva can take between 3 - 12 months.

Awards are made after any corrections are approved.

Graduation ceremonies usually occure in July and December.

Key Queen Mary dates are available on the Queen Mary calendar.

Every PGR student is expected to take part in approximately 210 hours of development activities over the course of their studies. This is the quantity of training advised by the UK Research Councils, and is roughly equal to two weeks training and development for each full-time year of study.You can obtain skills points for attendance at seminars, LTCC courses, teaching, marking, presentations, writing papers, attending QM Academy and Doctoral College courses. 

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