Professor Alex FinkProfessor in Pure Mathematics; Head of the Centre for Combinatorics, Algebra and Number TheoryEmail: +44 (0)20 7882 5520Room Number: Mathematical Sciences Building, Room: MB-312Website: Hours: Semester A: Thursdays 1–2pm in MB312.ProfileResearchPublicationsProfileAlex Fink is Professor in Pure Mathematics in the School of Mathematical Sciences. He has interests in combinatorics, algebra and geometry, especially matroid theory and tropical geometry. Prof Fink holds a PhD from UC Berkeley, and prior to this post was a postdoctoral researcher at North Carolina State University. His research has been supported by EPSRC. He serves on the editorial boards of the Bulletin and Journal of the London Mathematical Society and of Theoretical Computer Science A, and was joint chair of the programme committee of Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics 2017.ResearchResearch Interests:See Alex Fink’s research profile pages including details of research interests, publications, and live grants. Member of the LMS Scheme 3 research group in Tropical Mathematics & its Applications and the UK Applied Algebra and Geometry research network.Publications Eur C, Fink A, Larson M et al. (2024). Signed permutohedra, delta‐matroids, and beyond Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society nameOfConference. 10.1112/plms.12592 Fink A, Escobar L, Rajchgot J et al. (2024). Gröbner bases, symmetric matrices, and type C Kazhdan-Lusztig varieties Journal of the London Mathematical Society nameOfConference. 10.1112/jlms.12856 Fink A, Toghani Z (2022). INITIAL FORMS AND A NOTION OF BASIS FOR TROPICAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Pacific Journal of Mathematics nameOfConference. 10.2140/pjm.2022.318.453 Fink A, Olarte J (2022). Presentations of Transversal Valuated Matroids Journal of the London Mathematical Society nameOfConference. 10.1112/jlms.12505 Fink A, CAMERON A (2022). The Tutte polynomial via lattice point counting Journal of Combinatorial Theory: Series A nameOfConference. 10.1016/j.jcta.2021.105584 Berget A, Fink A (2022). Equivariant K-Theory Classes of Matrix Orbit Closures International Mathematics Research Notices nameOfConference. 10.1093/imrn/rnab135 Berget A, Fink A (2021). Correction to: EQUIVARIANT CHOW CLASSES OF MATRIX VARIETIES (Transformation Groups, (2017), 22, 3, (631-643), 10.1007/s00031-016-9406-5) Transformation Groups nameOfConference. 10.1007/s00031-021-09651-2 Fink A, Mészáros K, St. Dizier A (2020). Zero-one Schubert polynomials Mathematische Zeitschrift nameOfConference. 10.1007/s00209-020-02544-2 Cameron A, Fink A (publicationYear). A lattice point counting generalisation of the Tutte polynomial Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science nameOfConference. 10.46298/dmtcs.6331 FINK A, Moci L (2019). Polyhedra and parameter spaces for matroids over valuation rings Advances in Mathematics nameOfConference. 10.1016/j.aim.2018.11.009 View Profile Publication Page