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School of Mathematical Sciences

Combinatorics Study Group

The Combinatorics Study Group normally meets at 2pm on Fridays in the Maths Seminar Room.  Do check this page in advance of the meeting in case there are any changes.

The current seminar organisers are Felix Fischer, Mark Jerrum, and Viresh Patel.

  • Date
  • 02/10/2009 5:30 PM
    Diane Donovan (Queensland)
    The importance of latin trades in the study of completing partial latin squares
  • 16/10/2009 5:30 PM
    John Talbot (UCL)
    Triangles in tripartite graphs
  • 23/10/2009 5:30 PM
    Aidan Roy
    Optimal designs in complex projective space, 1
  • 06/11/2009 4:30 PM
    Aidan Roy
    Optimal designs in complex projective space, 2
  • 13/11/2009 4:30 PM
    Thomas Prellberg
    Counting area-weighted Dyck-paths in a slit
  • 27/11/2009 4:30 PM
    Olof Sisask
    Fourier analysis and approximate structure in additive combinatorics, 1
  • 04/12/2009 4:30 PM
    Olof Sisask
    Fourier analysis and approximate structure in additive combinatorics, 2
  • 11/12/2009 4:30 PM
    Raul Mondragon
    Two problems on connectivity of networks
  • 01/01/2014 4:30 PM
    Viresh Patel (QMUL)
    A domination algorithm for {0,1}-instances of the travelling salesman problem
  • 07/02/2014 4:30 PM
    Mark Walters (QMUL)
    Fast wins in n-in-a-row games
  • 14/02/2017 4:30 PM
    Trevor Pinto (QMUL)
    Saturated subgraphs of the hypercube
  • 28/02/2016 4:30 PM
    Kitty Meeks (QMUL)
    The parameterised complexity of subgraph counting problems
  • 07/03/2014 4:30 PM
    Neville Ball (QMUL)
    Cops and Robbers on Geometric Graphs
  • 14/03/2014 4:30 PM
    Tony Guttmann (Melbourne)
    Calculation of the spanning tree constant for three-dimensional lattices
  • 21/03/2014 4:30 PM
    Donovan Young (QMUL, Physics)
    The distribution of dominoes in the game of memory
  • 13/06/2014 5:30 PM
    Paul Renteln (California State University)
    Reflection Group Numerology
  • 22/08/2014 4:30 PM
    Maths 103
    Dillon Mayhew (Victoria University of Wellington)
    Characterising representable matroids in two different ways
  • 26/09/2014 4:30 PM
    Eoin Long (University of Oxford
    Frankl-Rödl type theorems for codes and permutations
  • 03/10/2014 5:30 PM
    Simon Griffiths (University of Oxford)
    Random Graph Processes
  • 10/10/2014 5:30 PM
    Dan Kral (University of Warwick)
    Combinatorial limits and their relation to extremal combinatorics and property testing.
  • 17/10/2013 5:30 PM
    Nick Day (QMUL)
    Saturated graphs of prescribed minimum degree
  • 24/10/2014 5:30 PM
    Robert Johnson (QMUL)
    Strategy Stealing in Avoidance games
  • 31/10/2014 4:30 PM
    Olivier Henard (QMUL)
    The random graph near the critical window: a probabilistic review.
  • 04/11/2014 5:00 PM
    4.01, Bancroft Road Teaching Rooms, Mile End Campus, QMUL.
    Peter Cameron (St Andrews)
    Regular Polytopes
  • 11/11/2014 4:30 PM
    Iain Moffat (RHUL)
    From embedded graphs to delta-matroids.
  • 14/11/2014 4:30 PM
    Sam Alexander (UCL)
    Biologically Unavoidable Sequences
  • 28/11/2014 4:30 PM
    Alex Fink (QMUL)
    The Tutte polynomial via algebraic geometry via splines
  • 05/12/2014 4:30 PM
    Richard Montgomery (University of Cambridge)
    Spanning Trees in Random Graphs
  • 12/12/2014 4:30 PM
    Bill Jackson (QMUL)
    Generic rigidity of point-line frameworks
  • 23/01/2015 4:30 PM
    Sean Eberhard (Oxford)
    Commuting probabilities of finite groups
  • 30/01/2015 4:30 PM
    Marcin Pilipczuk (Warwick)
    Graph Isomorphism in graphs of bounded treewidth.
  • 06/02/2015 4:30 AM
    Adthasit Sinna (QMUL)
    Tutte trails in plane graphs
  • 13/02/2015 4:30 PM
    Akihiro Higashitani (Kyoto, visiting Imperial)
    Ehrhart polynomials of lattice polytopes
  • 27/02/2015 4:30 PM
    Bernd Schulze (Lancaster)
    Rigidity of frameworks on expanding spheres
  • 06/03/2015 4:30 PM
    Trevor Pinto (QMUL)
    Directed Paths in the Cube
  • 13/03/2015 10:13 AM
    Alan Sokal (New York)
    Coefficientwise total positivity (via continued fractions) for some Hankel matrices of combinatorial polynomials
  • 20/03/2015 4:30 PM
    Bhargav Narayanan (Cambridge)
    Coalescence on the real line
  • 27/03/2015 4:30 PM
    Shabnam Beheshti (QMUL)
    Hydrodynamical Solitons, a Combinatorial Perspective
  • 10/04/2015 5:30 PM
    Benjamin Schröter (Berlin)
    Matroidal Subdivisions, Dressians and Tropical Grassmannians
  • 24/04/2015 5:30 PM
    Ivan Izmestiev
    Impossible Triangulations
  • 08/05/2015 5:30 PM
    David Ellis (QMUL)
    The structure of graphs which are locally indistinguishable from a lattice
  • 15/05/2015 5:30 PM
    Abhishek Methuku (Budapest)
    Forbidden subposets, forbidden matrices, and their connection.
  • 22/05/2015 5:30 PM
    Katharine Clinch (QMUL)
    Global Rigidity of Direction-Length Frameworks
  • 05/06/2015 5:30 PM
    Anthony Hilton (Reading and QMUL)
    Some theorems and conjectures about extremal finite set structures
  • 02/10/2015 5:00 PM
    M103 (Mathematical Sciences)
    Madhusudan Manjunath (QMUL)
    Explicit Deformations of Lattice Ideals via Chip Firing Games
  • 09/10/2015 5:00 PM
    M103 (Mathematical Sciences)
    Natasha Morrison (University of Oxford)
    Bootstrap percolation in the hypercube
  • 16/10/2015 5:00 PM
    M103 (Mathematical Sciences)
    Vytautas Gruslys (University of Cambridge)
    Tiling with copies of an arbitrary tile
  • 23/10/2015 5:30 PM
    M103 (Mathematical Sciences)
    Ben Barber (University of Bristol)
    Edge decompositions of graphs
  • 30/10/2015 4:00 PM
    M103 (Mathematical Sciences)
    Agelos Georgakopoulos (University of Warwick)
    Group Walk Random Graphs
  • 06/11/2015 4:00 PM
    Shoham Letzter (University of Cambridge)
    Eigenvalues of subgraphs of the cube
  • 13/11/2015 4:00 PM
    (No seminar – LMS AGM)
  • 20/11/2015 4:00 PM
    Luka Milicevic (University of Cambridge)
    Points in almost general position
  • 27/11/2015 4:00 PM
    David Conlon (University of Oxford)
    Rational exponents in extremal graph theory
  • 30/11/2015 5:00 PM
    M203 (Mathematical Sciences)
    Benny Sudakov (ETH Zurich)
    Two Short Stories in Extremal Combinatorics
  • 04/12/2015 10:59 AM
    Susama Agarwala (Nottingham)
    Wilson Loop Diagrams and Positroids
  • 11/12/2015 4:00 PM
    Mark Walters (QMUL)
    Dense Random Geometric Graphs
  • 15/01/2016 4:00 PM
    Mark Jerrum (QMUL)
    A switch Markov chain for perfect matchings
  • 29/01/2016 4:00 PM
    Arès Méroueh (Cambridge)
    A LYM inequality for induced posets
  • 12/02/2016 4:00 PM
    Ben Fairbairn (Birkbeck)
    What lies South of Southend: games and groupoids
  • 19/02/2016 4:00 PM
    M103 (Mathematical Sciences)
    Jan van den Heuvel (LSE)
    Generalised Colouring Numbers of Graphs
  • 26/02/2016 4:00 PM
    M103 (Mathematical Sciences)
    Alex Fink (QMUL)
    Rigidity of matroid realisations
  • 04/03/2016 4:00 PM
    Gary Greaves (Tohoku University)
    Equiangular lines in Euclidean spaces
  • 11/03/2016 4:00 PM
    Roger Behrend (Cardiff)
    Diagonally and antidiagonally symmetric alternating sign matrices of odd order
  • 18/03/2016 4:00 PM
    M103 (Mathematical Sciences)
    Sean Eberhard (Oxford)
    Product-free subsets of the alternating group
  • 01/04/2016 4:00 PM
    M103 (Mathematcal Sciences)
    Hakan Guler (QMUL)
    Rigidity of Body-Bar Frameworks
  • 29/04/2016 4:15 PM
    Paul Balister (University of Memphis)
    The sharp threshold for making squares.
  • 30/09/2016 4:00 PM
    Georg Loho (Berlin)
    Feasibility of tropical linear inequality systems and applications
  • 07/10/2016 4:00 PM
    Alina Vdovina (Newcastle)
    Expanders, buildings and surfaces
  • 14/10/2016 4:00 PM
    Heng Guo (QMUL)
    Random cluster dynamics at q = 2 is rapidly mixing
  • 21/10/2016 4:00 PM
    Bhargav Narayanan (Cambridge)
    Symmetric Intersecting Families
  • 28/10/2016 4:00 PM
    Eoin Long (Oxford)
    Counting Hamilton decompositions of oriented graphs
  • 28/10/2016 4:00 PM
    Eoin Long (Oxford)
    Counting Hamilton decompositions of oriented graphs
  • 11/11/2016 4:00 PM
    Jason Long (Cambridge)
    Increasing Sequences of Integer Triples
  • 18/11/2016 12:26 PM
    Enzo Nicosia (QMUL)
    Random Functional Geometric Graphs: Elementary properties and open problems
  • 25/11/2016 12:27 PM
    Tony Nixon (Lancaster)
    Global rigidity of generic frameworks on surfaces
  • 02/12/2016 12:28 PM
    Luka Milicevic (Cambridge)
    Decomposing Complete Hypergraphs
  • 09/12/2016 12:30 PM
    Andrew McDowell (KCL)
    Target sets in degree proportional percolation
  • 13/01/2017 4:00 PM
    David Ellis (QMUL)
    Subsets of the discrete cube with very small edge boundary
  • 20/01/2017 12:47 PM
    Arran Hamm (Winthrop)
    On the triangle space of random graphs
  • 27/01/2017 4:00 PM
    Will Perkins (Birmingham)
    An occupancy approach to bounding graph polynomials
  • 03/02/2017 4:00 PM
    Mark Jerrum (QMUL)
    Counting list H-colourings in hereditary graph classes
  • 10/02/2017 4:00 PM
    Jack Bartley (QMUL)
    The emergence of the square of a Hamilton cycle in random geometric graphs
  • 17/02/2017 1:05 PM
    Bancroft Road 3.01
    Leo Liberti (Paris)
    New formulation-based methods in distance geometry
  • 24/02/2017 4:00 PM
    Queen's building W316
    Queen's building W316
    Record breaking Condorcet domains
  • 03/03/2017 4:00 PM
    Queen's building W316
    Anthony Hilton (QMUL)
    Unions and intersections of finite sets
  • 10/03/2017 4:00 PM
    Queen's building W316
    Rhiannon Hall (Brunel)
    On the Characteristic Polynomial for the Spike Matroids
  • 17/03/2017 4:00 PM
    Queen's building W316
    Alan Sokal (NYU and UCL)
    Positivity of some multivariate formal power series arising from fractional powers of determinants
  • 24/03/2017 1:16 PM
    Queen's building W316
    Farbod Shokrieh (Cornell)
    Graphs, potential theory, and algebraic geometry
  • 31/03/2017 4:00 PM
    Queen's building W316
    Tony Guttmann, Melbourne
    Pattern-avoiding permutations and their applications
  • 29/09/2017 4:00 PM
    W316, Queen's Building
    Eoin Long (University of Oxford)
    Forbidden vector-valued intersections
  • 06/10/2017 4:00 PM
    W316, Queen's Building
    Justin Ward (QMUL)
    Improved approximation for K-means in arbitrary dimension
  • 13/10/2017 4:30 PM
    W316, Queen's Building
    Imre Leader (University of Cambridge)
    Decomposing the complete hypergraph
  • 20/10/2017 4:00 PM
    W316, Queen's Building
    Vytautas Gruslys (University of Cambridge)
    Path partitions of regular graphs
  • 27/10/2017 4:00 PM
    Queens Building, W316
    David Conlon (University of Oxford)
    How to build a hypergraph expander
  • 10/11/2017 4:00 PM
    W316, Queeen's Building
    Allan Lo (University of Birmingham)
    Hypergraph F-designs
  • 24/11/2017 4:00 PM
    W316, Queens Building
    Felix Fischer (QMUL)
  • 01/12/2017 4:00 PM
    W316, Queen's Building
    Natalie Behague (QMUL)
  • 08/12/2017 4:00 PM
    W316, Queen's Building
    Amanda Cameron (QMUL)
  • 15/01/2010 4:30 PM
    Victor Falgas-Rouvry
    Union-closed families of small weight
  • 16/04/2010 5:30 PM
    Manfred Droste (Leipzig)
    Random constructions of countable abelian p-groups
  • 04/06/2010 5:30 PM
    Robert Bailey (Regina)
    Generalised covering designs and clique-coverings
  • 02/07/2010 4:00 PM
    Simeon Ball (UPC Barcelona)
    On large subsets of a finite vector space in which every subset of basis size is a basis
  • 19/11/2010 4:30 PM
    Andy Drizen
    Generating uniformly distributed random 2-designs with block size 3
  • 04/03/2011 5:00 PM
    Heidi Gebauer (ETH)
    Game theoretic Ramsey numbers
  • 02/03/2012 4:30 PM
    Sasha Gnedin
    Block characters of the symmetric groups
  • 23/03/2012 4:00 PM
    Celia Glass (City) Peter Cameron
    Acyclic orientations of graphs, 1
  • 04/05/2012 5:30 PM
    Benny Sudakov (UCLA)
    The phase transition in random graphs - a simple proof
  • 01/06/2012 5:30 PM
    Peter Cameron
    Counting colourings
  • 09/11/2012 4:30 PM
    Laszlo Vegh (LSE)
    Approximating minimum cost k-node-connected spanning subgraphs
  • 23/11/2012 4:30 PM
    Fatima Affiff Chaouche (University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers)
    Pancyclicity when each cycle must pass exactly k Hamilton cycle chords
  • 18/01/2013 4:30 PM
    Peter Cameron
    Synchronizing non-uniform maps
  • 15/02/2013 4:30 PM
    Andrew Treglown
    Yet another talk on perfect matchings in hypergraphs
  • 22/03/2013 5:30 PM
    Jan Volec
    A problem of Erdos and Sos on 3-graphs
  • 03/05/2013 5:30 PM
    Jeroen Schillewaert (Imperial College)
    Small maximal partial ovoids in generalized quadrangles
  • 25/10/2013 5:30 PM
    Peter Cameron
    Combinatorial Yang-Baxter
  • 21/11/2014 4:30 PM
    Oleg Pikhurko (University of Warwick)
    Measurable circle squaring
  • 23/11/2015 5:00 PM
    Yufei Zhao (University of Oxford)
    Large deviations in random graphs
  • 22/01/2016 4:00 PM
    M103 (Mathematical Sciences)
    Nick Day (QMUL)
    Colourings with no Short Odd Cycles
  • 05/02/2016 4:00 PM
    M103 (Mathematical Sciences)
    Ginestra Bianconi (QMUL)
    Equilibrium and non-equilibrium models of complex network geometry
  • 03/11/2017 4:00 PM
    W316, Queen's Building
    Hakan Guler (QMUL)
    Rigidity of linearly constrained frameworks
  • 17/11/2017 4:00 PM
    W316, Queens Building
    John Haslegrave (University of Warwick)
    Hamilton spheres in 3-uniform hypergraphs
  • 07/12/2017 4:00 PM
    W316, Queens Building
    Felix Fischer
    Truthful Outcomes from Non-Truthful Position Auctions
  • 01/12/2017 4:00 PM
    316, Queen's Building
    Natalie Behague (QMUL)
    Hypergraph Saturation Irregularities
  • 08/12/2017 4:00 PM
    W316, Queen's Building
    Amanda Cameron (Max Planck Institute, Leipzig)
    An Ehrhart theory generalisation of the Tutte polynomial
  • 12/01/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Peter Cameron (St Andrews)
    Equitable partitions of Latin square graphs
  • 19/01/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Simon Blackburn (RHUL)
    Private information retrieval
  • 26/01/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Natasha Morrison (Cambridge)
    Maximising the number of induced cycles
  • 02/02/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building Room W316
    Robert Johnson (QMUL)
    Voronoi games in the hypercube
  • 09/02/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Ivan Tomasic (QMUL)
    Graphons arising from graphs definable over finite fields
  • 16/02/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    László A. Végh (LSE)
    A Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithm for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem
  • 23/02/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Taoyang Wu (University of East Anglia)
    Distances on Evolutionary (Phylogenetic) Trees: Maximum Parsimony and Tree-width
  • 02/03/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Nicholas Day (Umeå University)
    Maker-Breaker percolation games
  • 09/03/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Imre Bárány (UCL)
    Theorems of Caratheodory and Tverberg without dimension
  • 23/03/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room E303
    Standa Živný (Oxford)
    Homomorphisms and generalisations seen from both sides
  • 18/05/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building Room W316
    Noam Lifshitz (Bar Ilan University)
    The Junta Method for Hypergraphs
  • 04/05/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building Room W316
    Nick Wormald (Monash)
    The degree sequence of a random graph, and asymptotic enumeration of regular graphs
  • 25/05/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    István Tomon (EPFL)
    Partitioning the Boolean lattice into long chains
  • 11/05/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Rhys Evans (QMUL)
    Neumaier Graphs
  • 01/06/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Matt Fayers (QMUL)
    An interesting family of posets
  • 08/06/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    William Raynaud (QMUL)
    Smallest cyclically covering subspaces of $\mathbb{F}_q^n$
  • 05/10/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building: Room W316
    Eoin Long (Oxford)
    Cycle-complete Ramsey numbers
  • 12/10/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Jon Noel (Warwick)
    Supersaturation in Posets
  • 19/10/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Hannah Guggiari (Oxford)
    Size reconstructibility of graphs
  • 26/10/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    David Conlon (Oxford)
    The Ramsey number of books
  • 02/11/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Bill Jackson (QMUL)
    Rigidity of Graphs and Frameworks
  • 16/11/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room: W316
    John Talbot (UCL)
    Entropy compression and hypergraph transversals
  • 23/11/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Tamas Makai (QMUL)
    Supersaturation Problem for the Bowtie
  • 30/11/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Peter J. Cameron (St Andrews)
    Trees, cycles and chocolate bars
  • 07/12/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    No seminar.
    No seminar.
  • 09/11/2018 3:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room: W316
    Julia Boettcher (LSE)
    Perfectly packing degenerate graphs with many leaves
  • 09/11/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room: W316
    Katharina Jochemko (KTH, Stockholm)
    Combinatorial Positive Valuations
  • 14/12/2018 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room: W316
    Fiona Skerman (Uppsala)
    Guessing numbers of odd cycles
  • 11/01/2019 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Madeline Brandt (Berkeley)
    Computing Berkovich skeleta of curves
  • 18/01/2019 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Matthew Jenssen (Oxford)
    Algorithms for #BIS-hard problems on expander graphs
  • 25/01/2019 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Teerasak Khoployklang (QMUL)
    The Hamiltonian decomposition of 4-regular connected Cayley graphs
  • 01/02/2019 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Carla Groenland (Oxford)
    Intersection sizes of linear subspaces with the hypercube
  • 08/02/2019 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Stephen Muirhead (QMUL)
    The band structure of spatial random permutations
  • 15/02/2019 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Natalie Behague (QMUL)
    Semi-perfect 1-Factorizations of the Hypercube
  • 01/03/2019 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Ben Smith (QMUL)
    Matching Fields and Tropical Matroids
  • 08/03/2019 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Amirlan Seksenbayev (QMUL)
    Choosing a Monotone Sequence from a Random Sample in an Online Fashion
  • 15/03/2019 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Jorge Alberto Olarte (FU Berlin)
    Tropical linear spaces, Dressians and transversal matroids
  • 29/03/2019 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Andrew Lewis-Pye (LSE)
    (CANCELLED) The idemetric property: when most distances are (almost) the same
  • 22/03/2019 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    Mark Jerrum (QMUL)
    The bases-exchange graph of a matroid: edge expansion and mixing
  • 12/04/2019 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room: W316
    Felipe Rincón (QMUL)
    Tropical Ideals
  • 24/04/2019 4:00 PM
    Queens' Building, Room W316
    James Aaronson (Oxford)
    Cyclically covering subspaces
  • 27/09/2019 2:00 PM
    G.O. Jones Building, Room 410 A&B
    Ben Barber (Bristol)
    The Namer-Claimer game
  • 04/10/2019 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Oliver Janzer (Cambridge)
    The extremal number of subdivisions
  • 11/10/2019 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Bill Jackson (QMUL)
    Abstract 3-Rigidity
  • 18/10/2019 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Yani Pehova (Warwick)
    Packing Hamilton cycles in bipartite directed graphs
  • 25/10/2019 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Maryam Sharifzadeh (Warwick)
    Asymptotic Structure for the Clique Density Theorem
  • 01/11/2019 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Robert Johnson (QMUL)
    Correlation for permutations
  • 08/11/2019 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room: MB-503
    Richard Montgomery (Birmingham)
    Spanning cycles in random directed graphs
  • 22/11/2019 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Frederik Mallmann-Trenn (KCL)
    Hierarchical Clustering: Objective Functions and Algorithms
  • 07/02/2020 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Andrew Lewis-Pye (LSE)
    The idemetric property: when most distances are (almost) the same
  • 06/12/2019 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Alexey Pokrovskiy (Birkbeck)
    Halfway to Rota's basis conjecture
  • 13/12/2019 2:00 PM
    Graduate Centre, GC222
    Torsten Mütze (Warwick)
    Combinatorial generation via permutation languages
  • 24/01/2020 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    David Ellis (Bristol)
    Families of permutations with a forbidden intersection
  • 31/01/2020 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Matthias Beck (SF State/FU Berlin)
    Lonely runner polyhedra
  • 14/02/2020 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Anthony Hilton (Reading)
    Bounds related to the edge-list chromatic and total chromatic numbers of a simple graph
  • 21/02/2020 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Louis Theran (St Andrews)
  • 28/02/2020 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Jozef Skokan (LSE)
    Decomposing tournaments into paths
  • 13/03/2020 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Shoham Letzter (Cambridge)
  • 20/03/2020 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Victor Verdugo (LSE)
  • 17/01/2020 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Nick Wormald (Monash University)
    Fast uniform generation of regular graphs and contingency tables
  • 27/03/2020 2:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Nicola Durante (Napoli)
  • 03/03/2020 12:00 PM
    Mathematical Sciences Building, Room MB-503
    Igor Pak (UCLA and IML)
    Counting standard Young tableaux
  • 25/09/2020 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Marthe Bonamy (Bordeaux)
    Graph recolouring
  • 02/10/2020 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Julian Sahasrabudhe (Cambridge)
    Random polynomials - roots near the unit circle
  • 09/10/2020 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Ioannis Caragiannis (Aarhus)
    Impartial selection, additive approximation guarantees, and priors
  • 16/10/2020 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Shoham Letzter (UCL)
    An improvement on Łuczak's connected matchings method
  • 20/11/2020 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Louis Theran (St Andrews)
    Unlabelled rigidity problems
  • 30/10/2020 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Ross Kang (Nijmegen)
    Global graph structure derived from local sparsity
  • 13/11/2020 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Kitty Meeks (Glasgow)
    Reducing Reachability in Temporal Graphs
  • 04/12/2020 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Heng Guo (Edinburgh)
    Markov chain algorithms for bounded degree k-Sat
  • 11/12/2020 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Victor Verdugo (Universidad de O'Higgins)
    Apportionment Mechanisms in the Presence of Types and Parity Constraints
  • 27/11/2020 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Justin Ward (QMUL)
    Multi-pass streaming algorithms for submodular maximisation
  • 29/01/2021 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Maya Stein (U Chile)
    Dirac-type conditions for embedding hypertrees
  • 05/02/2021 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Nicole Megow (Bremen)
  • 12/02/2021 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Viresh Patel (Amsterdam)
    Algorithmic extensions of the Bollobás-Häggkvist  conjecture  
  • 19/02/2021 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Gal Kronenberg (Oxford)
    The maximum length of K_r-Bootstrap Percolation
  • 26/02/2021 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Tom Hutchcroft (Cambridge)
    Supercritical percolation on finite transitive graphs.
  • 05/03/2021 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Tyler Helmuth (Durham)
    Random unrooted spanning forests
  • 09/04/2021 9:00 AM
    online via Zoom
    Anita Liebenau (UNSW)
    Two approximate versions of Jackson’s conjecture
  • 26/03/2021 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Dudley Stark (QMUL)
    The component counts of random injections
  • 19/03/2021 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Matt Fayers (QMUL)
    The Mullineux map
  • 16/04/2021 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Andrew Treglown (Birmingham)
    Extremal problems for multigraphs
  • 08/10/2021 2:00 PM
    MB-503 + online via Zoom
    Ben Smith (Manchester)
    Constructing auction valuations from matroids
  • 26/11/2021 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Victor Falgas Ravry (Umeå)
    Bridg-it revisited: Maker-Breaker percolation games
  • 22/10/2021 2:00 PM
    MB-503 + online via Zoom
    Natalie Behague (Ryerson)
    Subgraphs in semi-random graphs (and hypergraphs)
  • 29/10/2021 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Fatemeh Mohammadi (Ghent)
    Matroid stratifications of hypergraph varieties and their realization spaces.
  • 10/12/2021 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Joonkyung Lee (Hanyang University)
    Majority dynamics on sparse random graphs
  • 05/11/2021 2:00 PM
    MB-503 + online via Zoom
    Maria-Romina Ivan (Cambridge)
    Induced Poset Saturation
  • 03/12/2021 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Nina Otter (QMUL)
    (Persistent) magnitude of point-cloud data
  • 17/12/2021 2:00 PM
    MB-503 + online via Zoom
    Matthias Englert
    Breaking the Barrier of 2 for the Competitiveness of Longest Queue Drop
  • 15/10/2021 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Bill Jackson (QMUL)
    Maximal matroids in weak order posets
  • 28/01/2022 2:00 PM
    online, via Zoom
    Tom Gur (Warwick)
    Worst-case to average-case reductions via additive combinatorics
  • 11/02/2022 2:00 PM
    online via Zoom
    Steve Noble (Birkbeck)
    The Tutte polynomial of an embedded graph
  • 25/02/2022 2:00 PM
    Online via Zoom. (This is the talk rescheduled owing to Storm Eunice)
    Cécile Mailler (Bath)
    Voronoi cells in random split trees
  • 11/03/2022 2:00 PM
    MB503 + streamed . Please note that we will be starting promptly at 2pm!
    Omer Bobrowski (QMUL)
    Homological connectivity in random Čech complexes
  • 04/03/2022 2:00 PM
    MB503 + streamed
    Belinda Wickes (QMUL)
    Separating path systems for complete graphs
  • 18/03/2022 2:00 PM
    MB503 + streamed
    Theo Thiery (QMUL)
    Improved approximation algorithm for the maximum weight independent set problem in (k+1)-claw free graphs.
  • 08/04/2022 1:30 PM
    MB503 + streamed
    Alexey Pokrovskiy (UCL)
    Rainbow matchings in coloured multigraphs
  • 27/05/2022 1:00 PM
    Asier Calbet Ripodas (QMUL)
    Triangle saturated graphs with large minimum degree
  • 17/08/2022 2:00 PM
    MB 503 + streamed
    Nick Wormald (Monash)
    Playing games with the k-core
  • 27/01/2023 2:00 PM
    Marc Roth (Oxford)
    The complexity of counting small induced subgraphs
  • 14/10/2022 2:00 PM
    Barnabás Janzer (Cambridge)
    Large hypergraphs without tight cycles
  • 30/09/2022 2:00 PM
    Viresh Patel (QMUL)
    Hamilton cycles in regular oriented and directed graphs
  • 21/10/2022 2:00 PM
    Alp Müyesser (UCL)
    A random Hall-Paige conjecture (Please note the non-standard room!)
  • 28/10/2022 2:00 PM
    Franziska Eberle (LSE)
    Online Graph Exploration - Old and New Results
  • 04/11/2022 2:00 PM
    Jane Tan (Oxford)
    Induced subgraphs of induced subgraphs of large chromatic number
  • 02/12/2022 2:00 PM
    Alex McDonough (UC Davis)
    Rotor-Routing Induces the Only Consistent Sandpile Torsor Structure on Plane Graphs
  • 16/12/2022 2:00 PM
    Katherine Staden (Open University)
    Ringel's conjecture on tree-packing
  • 18/11/2022 2:00 PM
    Konrad Anand (QMUL)
    Lazy Depth-First Sampling of Spin Systems
  • 09/12/2022 2:00 PM
    Tony Guttmann (Melbourne)
    Self-avoiding walks crossing a domain and gerrymander sequences
  • 03/03/2023 2:00 PM
    Imre Leader (Cambridge)
    Large sumsets from small subsets
  • 17/02/2023 2:00 PM
    Eoin Long (Birmingham)
    A bipartite version of the Erdős–McKay conjecture
  • 31/03/2023 2:00 PM
    Andrea Freschi (Birmingham)
    The induced saturation problem for posets
  • 10/03/2023 2:00 PM
    Jessica Enright (Glasgow)
    Cops-and-robbers on multilayer graphs
  • 24/02/2023 2:00 PM
    David Hannon (QMUL)
    Optimal Impartial Selection
  • 24/03/2023 2:00 PM
    Candida Bowtell (Warwick)
    Large rainbow structures in complete graphs
  • 16/06/2023 2:00 PM
    Catarina Carvalho (Hertfordshire)
    Digraphs with caterpillar duality
  • 17/03/2023 2:00 PM
    Mark Walters (QMUL)
    Cops and Robbers and constructible graphs
  • 26/04/2023 10:30 AM
    Javier Cembrano (TU Berlin)
    Multidimensional political apportionment
  • 23/06/2023 2:00 PM
    Robert Johnson (QMUL)
    Asymmetry of 2-step Transit Probabilities in Regular Graphs
  • 29/09/2023 2:00 PM
    Ilya Shkredov (LIMS)
    The popularity gap
  • 06/10/2023 2:00 PM
    Namrata (Warwick)
    Kneser graphs are Hamiltonian.
  • 13/10/2023 2:00 PM
    Amedeo Sgueglia (UCL)
    Rainbow subgraphs in uniformly coloured perturbed graphs
  • 20/10/2023 2:00 PM
    Tom Johnston (Bristol)
    Shotgun assembly of random graphs
  • 23/02/2024 2:00 PM
    Alex Scott (Oxford)
    A few steps towards the Erdos-Hajnal Conjecture.
  • 03/11/2023 2:00 PM
    Matthew Jenssen (KCL)
    On the evolution of triangle-free graphs in the ordered regime
  • 17/11/2023 2:00 PM
    Nora Frankl (Open University)
    Helly numbers of exponential lattices
  • 24/11/2023 2:00 PM
    Nikolaos Fountoulakis (Birmingham)
    Non-monotone dynamics in random graphs
  • 15/12/2023 2:00 PM
    Adva Mond (Cambridge)
    Minimum degree edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in random directed graphs
  • 10/11/2023 2:00 PM
    Chien-Chung Huang (ENS, Paris)
    Robust Sparsification for Matroid Intersection with Applications
  • 26/01/2024 2:00 PM
    Stefanie Gerke (RHUL)
    Lower bounds on the maximum bisection in a weighted graphs with bounded degree
  • 09/02/2024 2:00 PM
    Robert Brignall (Open University)
    Unbounded clique-width in hereditary graph classes
  • 16/02/2024 2:00 PM
    Leo Versteegen (Cambridge)
    Linear graph codes
  • 02/02/2024 2:00 PM
    Mark Jerrum (QMUL)
    The computational complexity of the Tutte polynomial: 34 years on
  • 01/03/2024 2:00 PM
    Angelica Pachon (Swansea)
    On random graph models with properties of real networks
  • 15/03/2024 2:00 PM
    Simona Boyadzhiyska (Birmingham)
    Covering real grids with multiplicity
  • 22/03/2024 2:00 PM
    Edith Elkind (Oxford)
    Fairness in Multiwinner Voting
  • 05/04/2024 2:00 PM
    Kyriakos Katsamaktsis (UCL)
    Ascending subgraph decomposition
  • 12/04/2024 2:00 PM
    Neil Olver (LSE)
    A strongly polynomial algorithm for linear programs with at most two non-zero entries per row or column
  • 03/05/2024 2:00 PM
    Asier Calbet Rípodas (QMUL)
    The asymptotic behaviour of sat(n,F}
  • 20/08/2024 11:00 AM
    MB-503. Please note the non-standard time.
    Kevin Schewior (SDU)
    Recent Advances in Stochastic Function Evaluation: Score Classification and Voting
  • 27/09/2024 2:00 PM
    Oleg Pikhurko (Warwick)
    Constructions of Turán systems that are tight up to a multiplicative constant
  • 04/10/2024 2:00 PM
    Simona Boyadzhiyska (Birmingham)
    Simultaneous colourings of graphs
  • 11/10/2024 2:00 PM
    Marcelo Campos (Cambridge)
    Towards an optimal hypergraph container lemma
  • 01/11/2024 2:00 PM
    Stelios Stylianou (Bristol)
    A two-player voting game in Euclidean space
  • 15/11/2024 2:00 PM
    Dillon Mayhew (Leeds)
    When are there countably many wqo down-sets in a poset?
  • 22/11/2024 2:00 PM
    Meike Neuwohner (LSE)
    This seminar will be rescheduled.
  • 29/11/2024 2:00 PM
    Paulina Smolarova (Oxford)
    Sampling from the random cluster model on random regular graphs at all temperatures via Glauber dynamics
  • 06/12/2024 2:00 PM
    Tony Nixon (Lancaster)
    Stable cuts, NAC-colourings and flexible realisations of graphs
  • 13/12/2024 2:00 PM
    Bill Jackson (QMUL)
    k-fold circuits in matroids
  • 25/10/2024 2:00 PM
    Gregory Sorkin (LSE)
    Perfect Matchings and Loose Hamilton Cycles in the Semirandom Hypergraph Model
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