Dr Peter Howarth
He was given the award for developing innovative ways of teaching modern literature using architecture, animation, creative work with contemporary poets, and visits to gallery archives. Dr Howarth has also started a successful series of nationwide training days for postgraduate students about to start teaching English, to spread these ideas.
Having won at least one award annually over the past six years, Queen Mary’s impressive record with the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme for Individual Awards sets the university apart from other HE institutions. The College is one of only two institutions in the country whose staff have been awarded Fellowships in every year since 2006. Dr Howarth’s appointment brings the total number of Queen Mary National Teaching Fellows to nine.
Dr Howarth is Senior Lecturer in modern English literature in the School of English and Drama. He is the author of the Cambridge Introduction to Modernist Poetry (2011), British Poetry in the Age of Modernism (2006), and co-editor of the Cambridge Companion to the Sonnet (2011). He reviews for the London Review of Books and is currently principal supervisor for three PhD students.
In his statement to the Higher Education Academy, Dr Howarth said: “What keeps teaching exciting for me is the sense of watching the artwork offer new things to every class and every student. My aim has always been to help students feel how the book or poem, even the difficult or intimidating one, is a live work, happening to them there and then, and not just an object to be intellectually anatomised."
Under the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme the HEA will make up to 50 individual awards of £10,000, to be used for personal development in learning and teaching.
For more information about all nine National Teaching Fellows at Queen Mary, please visit the Learning Institute website.
See The Higher Education Academy's website for more information on Dr Howarth's Fellowship.
For more information about Dr Howarth’s research interests visit the website of the Department of English.