Professor Cuzick was awarded The Robert Sutherland Award for Excellence in Translational Research. This award recognises Translational Researchers and their achievements and contributions to improved patient outcomes. The award is open to Translational Researchers worldwide.
Commenting on his award, Professor Cuzick said: “I am extremely honoured to receive this prestigious award and would like to thank the Australia and New Zealand Breast Cancer Trials Group for their recognition. This achievement is truly the result of a team effort of which the ANZ group have made a major contribution. I am happy to accept this award all my colleagues who’ve worked tirelessly on the IBIS I and II trials, which has resulted in important discoveries about the preventive benefits of tamoxifen and anastrozole.
"Today we have reached a position where we have more options available to prevent breast cancer in high risk women– but there is still much work to do. Continuing research into breast cancer prevention is vital if we are to control the increasing incidence of this disease.”
The ANZBCTG Awards Program aims to recognise the valuable contribution that ANZBCTG members and researchers make to the group’s clinical trials research program; provide professional development opportunities to members; promote the activities of the ANZBCTG; recognise outstanding achievement by researchers, clinicians and scientists in their particular field; and encourage participation in breast cancer clinical trials research.
For more information on the awards visit the ANZBCTG website.