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The project will be led by Professor Janet De Wilde, Director of the Queen Mary Academy, and delivered in full collaboration with Advance HE. Professor De Wilde will lead a team including Queen Mary’s Vice-Principal for Education Professor Stephanie Marshall, Vice-Principal for People, Culture and Inclusion Sheila Gupta and Queen Mary Academy Education and Learning Adviser Danielle Thibodeau.
The Collaborative Development Fund provides funding for projects which will highlight good practice in education and governance for Advance HE’s members. The funding will support developments in priority areas and the outputs shared with Advance HE’s member community.
Discussing the Education theme and the project, Dr Catherine (Kay) Hack, Advance HE Principal Adviser (Learning and Teaching), said, "The pandemic has highlighted the need for higher education institutions to enhance their capability in operating flexible and resilient education systems to meet student expectations and accelerating social and economic transformations that society anticipates.
"Queen Mary’s proposal sets out a very clear path as to how we draw on good practice and develop new ideas to support the sector as it continues to adapt to the new landscape and I and confident their work will be of great value to members."
Professor De Wilde said, "We are delighted with the funding support for this important work. Working through surveys, case studies and roundtables, our aim is to establish the scale and range of practice in providing flexible learning opportunities, particularly looking at the strategic approaches and policies for managing flexible reward and recognition; learner-centred educational approaches and partnership approaches. We look forward to sharing our findings as they emerge and we will be reporting in detail in the summer."