View over London from Queen Mary
The KEF, published on 31 March 2021, placed Queen Mary in the top 10 per cent of all English universities for ‘research partnerships’ and ‘public and community engagement’, in the top 20 per cent for ‘IP and commercialisation’ and in the top 30 per cent for ‘working with business’ and the ‘working with the public and third sectors’.
This performance reflects Queen Mary’s commitment to, and strength in the sharing of knowledge, ideas and experience with the community, business, and public and third sectors. These results also underline Queen Mary’s ambition, set out in its Strategy 2030, to be the most inclusive research-intensive university in the world, recognised for distinctive, world-leading, curiosity-driven and applied research.
Within the KEF, Queen Mary is part of a ‘cluster’ of comparable universities that are “very large, very high research intensive and broad-discipline universities undertaking significant amounts of excellent research” including the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Manchester, and Bristol, Kings College London, Imperial and UCL. Within this cluster Queen Mary was placed in the top half for research partnerships and public and community engagement.
Professor Andrew Livingston, Queen Mary’s Vice-Principal for Research and Innovation, said: “I am proud that Queen Mary University of London’s strong commitment to knowledge exchange – in partnership with both local and global communities – has been acknowledged by Research England’s Knowledge Exchange Framework. Entrepreneurship, innovation and engagement are an embedded part of our research culture and I am pleased to see the progress our staff have made towards the objectives set out in our Strategy 2030 recognised.”
The Knowledge Exchange Framework aims to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the use of public funding for knowledge exchange and to further a culture of continuous improvement in universities. It allows universities to better understand and improve their own performance through an interactive dashboard, and provides businesses and other users with more information to help them access the world-class knowledge and expertise present in English universities.