Credit: iStock/Laurence Dutton
Titled The Web Data Revolution – At Our Service, the session on 7 February 2023 will help students build data skills and secure a better understanding of the role that data plays across all career paths.
At the event, Erez Naveh, Bright Data's VP of Product and a former executive at Meta, will offer rare insights into the tech industry and how it is now part of our everyday lives. And Keren Pakes, Chief Brand Officer, will speak about how data and brands are nowadays intrinsically linked.
Organised in collaboration with Queen Mary Careers, Bright Data has also offered to provide expertise and use of its platform across the University - including the possibility of managing a Q-tech project. Bright Data will also commit to recruiting one or more Queen Mary students as interns next spring.
Paul Clatworthy, Deputy Head of Careers at Queen Mary, said: “We are delighted to collaborate with Erez and Keren to run this workshop, and to look ahead to further joint working. In planning their careers, it’s important for our students to understand what role data plays and how it relates to their future career choices.”
Keren Pakes concluded: “Web data not only affects the market and economies, but as many of us know it literally has a direct effect on our lives too. Data and its usage sometimes have a bad press, but we believe that it can and will make a positive force for good in society.
“Helping students understand the power of data and its part in their careers and lives is essential to our mission to show how data offers us insights that can bring about positive action and change. Erez and I are honoured to be sharing our data experiences with Queen Mary students who’ll attend this online session.”
For media enquiries please contacts press@qmul.ac.uk or Mark Fuller at Showrunner Communications mark@showrunnercomms.com
About Queen Mary University of London
Queen Mary University of London is a leading research-intensive university with a difference – one that opens the doors of opportunity to anyone with the potential to succeed. Ranked 117 in the world and 1st in England for social mobility, the University has over 32,000 students on degree programmes and close to 5,000 members of staff. We are a truly global university: over 170 nationalities are represented on our five campuses in London, and we also have a presence in Malta, Paris, Singapore, and China.
The Bright Initiative
The Bright Initiative is a global program that is committed to using data to make a positive change in the world. Whether it is providing data for research, promoting data-driven education and educational sessions, or supporting global initiatives and programs, The Bright Initiative shares its technology, tools, and many years of data expertise. To date, The Bright Initiative includes over 600 partners, including 250+ universities as well as the UK Government's National Data Strategy (NDS) office. The Initiative is also a member of the UK’s Data Skills Taskforce.
The Bright Initiative is powered by Bright Data, the industry-leading web data platform, which serves over 15,000 customers from almost every industry sector, including many market leaders from the Fortune 500 list.