A Season of Bangla Drama champions new writing and younger writers. Running until 26 November 2023, the festival is a partnership between Queen Mary University of London and Tower Hamlets Council.
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Throughout November, communities from across the borough can come together, celebrate and discover new writing and performance. This year the season focuses on the theme of love in all of its guises. The festival is a partnership between Queen Mary University of London and Tower Hamlets Council, providing a platform for debut performances and showcasing 15 plays which are all relevant to an East London audience."
Topics explored include the notion of love conquering all despite adversity. Real life is prominent in three singular productions. The power of poetry is showcased; comedy within marriage is given a spotlight; and wider art-forms include music, dance and movement!
The festival’s fringe programme of events also has plenty on offer including exhibitions, talks and walks, so there will be something for everyone to enjoy.
We hope you can make the most of this diverse and inspiring month-long festival. Do keep an eye on www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/seasonbangladrama (the listings pages) for full details of this exciting programme.