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Module directory 2024-25

The Module Directory provides information on all taught modules offered by Queen Mary during the academic year 2024-25. The modules are listed alphabetically, and you can search and sort the list by title, keywords, academic school, module code and/or semester. Full details about the module can then be found by clicking on the green plus icon.

The Directory of Modules can also show you a tailored list of modules depending whether you are:

  • A Queen Mary student looking for module pre-selection information.
  • An Associate student who is currently enrolled at a non-UK university, and who is planning to study at Queen Mary for one semester / one academic year only.

For full explanation of the module information for Associate students, please refer to the Associate guidance notes.

Please note:

  • You should always check if your module selection is compatible with the academic regulations and programme-specific rules.
  • While every effort is made to keep the directory up to date, module details are sometimes subject to change; in particular assessment information is provisional at this time.
  • Timetable information will only be displayed once it is finalised.

Queen Mary Administrators: If you wish to update information in the module directory, please see the Module Development page.

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Accounting for Business DecisionsArtsIFP3017Semester 23No
Accounting for Business DecisionsArtsIFJ3017Semester 33No
Activist FilmArtsFLM7204Semester 17No
Adaptation in Theory and PracticeArtsCOM7212Semester 17No
Advanced Semantics: Puzzles in MeaningArtsLIN6049Semester 26Yes
Advanced Translation (French into English and English into French) for Francophone Exchange StudentsArtsFRE6204Full year6Yes
Aestheticism and Fin de Siecle LiteratureArtsESH7030Semester 27No
Afropean IdentitiesArtsCOM6052Semester 16Yes
Afropean IdentitiesArtsSML6052Semester 16Yes
American EcologiesArtsESH6093Semester 26Yes
Showing 1 to 10 of 2,859 entries
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