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Economics of Inequality

Module code: ECOM205

Credits: 15.0
Semester: YEAR

Contact: To Be Confirmed

In this module we will learn about the sources and determinants of economic inequality. We will begin by thinking about how we should understand top income and wealth concentration: The fact that rich people are so much higher than the rest (the so-called ¿1%.¿ New and old theories of income and wealth concentration will be studied.
We will then switch gears and think about what generates overall inequality. Is it luck? Higher education? Having rich or better educated parents?
Finally, we will take a slightly perspective and discuss how income inequality manifests itself, specifically whether income differences are mostly driven by education level, industries, or occupations.

Connected course(s): UDF DATA
Assessment: 60.0% Coursework, 40.0% Examination
Level: 7

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