Events Programme 2023
Queen Mary is proud to observe Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2023, taking place 13-19 March, as this international initiative focuses on changing the narrative to understand, accept, and celebrate neurodiversity.
This year we are focusing on raising awareness of the neurodivergent learning differences by sharing lived experiences and professional expertise.
Learn more about through events and publications taking place throughout the week!
What's on...
Lunch and Learn: Experiences of Neurodivergent Women and Girls
Tuesday, 14 March 2023, 1.00-2.00pm
This event was held online, via MS Teams - Watch the recording
Speaker: Elizabeth Quinn
Staff and students are invited to attend a Lunch and Learn event on the experiences of neurodivergent women and girls.
The session will include contributions from those with lived experience who are part of the Queen Mary community.
Disability and Dyslexia Service Stall
Monday 13th from 1pm to 2pm in Library Square, Mile End.
Talk to members of the student Disability and Dyslexia Service about University support for neurodiverse students and their current intern, from Project Search, to will be there to discuss experiences as a neurodiverse learner.
Neuroscience Society: Grey Matters - Exploring the unknown in Neuroscience
Saturday 11 March 2023, 8.45am - 5.00pm
Barts and the London Neuroscience Society, a society run by students at Queen Mary University of London is organising the third edition of the annual Conference taking place on March 11 from 9am to 5pm. Find out more about at QMSU What's On webpages.
Check-out the free events being run by the founders of Neurodiversity Celebration Week across the week.