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A-Z services

How can they help?

An independent, free and confidential service open to all Queen Mary students. It offers advice and representation on a range of academic issues including;

  • Submitting extenuating circumstances
  • Appealing academic decisions
  • Help with complaints to Queen Mary
  • Disciplinary issues and allegations of plagiarism or breach of the student code
  • Fitness to practice and professional capability

Contact details

Academic Advice Service (Students' Union)

How can they help?

There are a number of staff who are able to help with pastoral issues including:

  • Personal Tutor
  • Academic Advisor
  • Dedicated Student Support Staff
  • These staff members can help with:
  • Any difficulties you might be having with your programme of study
  • Any issues that might be affecting your attendance or progress
  • General queries about your programme of study, module choice or further study opportunities
  • A reference for prospective employers or further study

Contact details

Look up the Student Support Officer for your school.

Alternatively, ask staff in your Academic School Office who you need to speak to.

For non-medicine and dentistry programmes:

How can they help?

  • Questions about applying to study at Queen Mary
  • Fee status queries
  • Questions about transferring to a new programme of study at Queen Mary
  • Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) requests and queries

Contact details

Student Enquiry Centre
Ground Floor, Queens’ Building
Mile End campus


Contact the Admissions team via the applicant portal 

For medicine and dentistry programmes:

How can they help?

  • Questions about applying to the Medical and Dental School
  • Fee status queries
  • Course enquiries

Contact details

Undergraduate Admissions Office
Garrod Building
Turner Street
London E1 2AD

How can they help?

Welfare Advice and International Advice

Specialist advice about your rights and entitlements including:

  • Student finance, funding and financial hardship
  • Student immigration advice
  • International student issues
  • Planning a budget and cutting costs
  • Dealing with debt
  • Council Tax
  • Welfare and disability benefits
  • Tuition Fee status
  • Domestic/Familial abuse
  • Forced marriage and so called ‘honour'-based violence
  • Support for estranged students (not in contact with  family)
  • Support for students with experience of local authority care
  • Support for students with a forced migration background (asylum seekers/refugees)
  • Support for students who are Carers (have caring responsibilities)
  • Support for students with children

Welfare and International Student Advisers can offer you specialist advice to prevent problems happening, and to  remedy problems if they do happen. If your case is complex, a the Adviser can advocate on your behalf, e.g. if you need help to appeal a decision, or your entitlement to something is based on law or regulations.

Counselling and Mental Health Support

Professional support with emotional and psychological issues including:

  • Relationship problems
  • Difficult decisions
  • Family problems
  • Exam stress
  • Homesickness
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bullying/Harassment
  • Drug and alcohol – established links with local specialist support services

Counsellors and Therapists can help you with all kinds of difficulties, whether you are dealing with something quite serious that you have struggled with for many years, or something small which has happened recently. We have a range of different types of support including:

  • One to one counselling
  • Group therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • A Consultant Psychiatrist offering assessments and onward referral to appropriate services
  • Workshops on specific topics like exam anxiety, study problems and sleep.

We also have a team of Mental Health Advisers and Student Wellbeing Advisers who can offer advice and support to manage an existing mental health condition or help you access support from your GP or NHS mental health services if you are experiencing difficulties with your mental health.

Sexual Assault and Harassment Advice (SAHA)

The SAHAs are specialist advisers who provide emotional and practical support to anyone who has been raped, sexually assaulted, or harassed, whether that’s happened recently or in the past. The SAHAs can support you whether this happened at University or not, and can also help you to access other available support services. 

You do not have to report your experience to the University or to the police to access support from the SAHA. Everyone copes differently, and as such it is important that survivors of sexual violence decide the best way forward for themselves. The SAHAs will never tell you what to do but will discuss options available and be led by you.  

Contact details

Ground Floor Geography Building, Mile End campus

Advice and Counselling Service

How can they help?

The Appeals, Complaints and Conduct Office is responsible for handling cases under the following procedures:

  • Appeal Policy
  • Student Complaints Policy
  • Code of Student Discipline
  • Academic Misconduct Policy
  • Fitness to Practise Regulations

Contact details

Dept W, 81 Mile End Road

London E1 4UJ

How can they help?

Barts and The London Students’ Association is part of the Students’ Union, providing a range of opportunities and services for students including:

  • Student Voice & Course Reps
  • Clubs and Societies
  • Volunteering Opportunities
  • Sport & Fitness
  • Peer-to-peer teaching
  • BL Families scheme
  • Social Events
  • Multi-Faith Rooms
  • Study and social spaces

Contact details

Turner Street
Whitechapel Campus
London E1 2AT

020 7882 7368

How can they help?

The Buddy Scheme matches small groups of new, undergraduate first-year students from the same academic school (mentees), with experienced students who are typically in their second or third years at Queen Mary (mentors). Our trained mentors help new students transition into life at Queen Mary by sharing their own invaluable experiences and offering guidance, friendship, support and practical advice.

Mentors can have the Buddy Scheme listed on their HEAR transcript and can develop key transferable skills like communication, organisation and interpersonal skills.

Contact details 

Queen Mary Buddy Scheme

How can they help?

  • Financial Assistance Fund applications
  • Short term loans
  • Queen Mary Bursaries
  • Prizes
  • Undergraduate Scholarships
  • US loans programme


Contact details

Student Enquiry Centre
Ground Floor, iQ East Court
Mile End campus

020 7882 7752/3353/7908/3086

Bursaries Office

How can they help?

Queen Mary is signed up to the Care Leaver Covenant which confirms our ongoing commitment to students with care experience.

  • Support and advice on welfare, practical and financial issues
  • A dedicated, named member of staff as your key contact (a Welfare Adviser in the Advice and Counselling Service).
  • A dedicated Mental Health Adviser in the Advice and Counselling Service
  • A dedicated Careers Consultant
  • A summer bursary to support students with their costs over the summer vacation.


Contact details

Ground Floor Geography Building
Mile End campus
Advice and Counselling Service

How can they help?

  • We provide information, advice and employer events to help you get work whilst you study and after you graduate
  • Build your work experience through the internships and temp roles we source
  • Find part time, voluntary, internship and graduate opportunities through the vacancy board QMJobsOnline
  • Access one to one advice on choosing and exploring your options
  • Receive feedback on your applications, CVs and personal statements
  • Collect industry specific job hunting guides
  • Attend practice sessions and collect resources to improve your interview technique
  • Explore further study choices and funding
  • Access sample Psychometric test and assessment centre information
  • Receive support and funding for students looking to start or grow a business idea

Contact details

iQ East Court

Ground floor, Room 0.08

Mile End Road, E1 4GG

020 7882 8533

Careers and Enterprise

How can they help?

Each year of each course has at least one elected Course Representative - they are the key link between students and staff in their School. Course Reps:

  • Represent students’ views at Staff Student Liaison Committee (SSLC) meetings
  • Work with staff to improve their course and resolve course-related issues as they arise
  • Work with the Students’ Union to campaign for change and make things better for their fellow students
  • Course Reps deal with issues which affect the course as a whole and not with individual student’s issues – these should be taken up in the first instance with the Student Support Officer for your School


Contact details

Find contact details for Course Reps on the Students’ Union website.

SU Course Reps Team:

How can they help?

  • Course enquiries
  • Bank letters for new students to help open an account
  • Fee status

Contact details

Student Support Administrators

How can they help?

Confidential advice, guidance and support for disabled students, including those with mental health diagnoses, Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and Specific Learning Differences, (e.g. dyslexia).

Amongst the support that the service offers is:

  • Screenings and referrals for student wishing to find out if they have a specific learning difference
  • Specialist one to one study skills support for students with specific learning differences and other disabilities
  • Advice on access to reasonable adjustments for students with mental health conditions
  • Specialist support for students with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC), e.g. Asperger’s
  • Liaison with Queen Mary Schools and Institutes with regard to ‘reasonable adjustments’, e.g. examination arrangements
  • Access to Specialist Mentoring support – either on campus, or remotely
  • Support in applying for the Disabled Student’s Allowance (DSA)
  • Access to non-specialist human support, where appropriate, e.g. note-taking


Contact details

Room 3.06
Francis Bancroft Building
Mile End campus
020 7882 2756
Disability and Dyslexia Service

How can they help?

We provide information, training, support and advice for all postgraduate research (PGR) students at Queen Mary.

  • Attend the Queen Mary PGR induction, delivered by the Doctoral College.
  • Attend training for PGR students provided by the Doctoral College and our partners across Queen Mary and London
  • Attend annual cohort events organised by year of study and PGR events for PGR students to learn new skills and meet other PGR students
  • Record your ongoing researcher development and receive a Diploma of Researcher Development at the end of your Research Degree
  • Find out more about students including the Doctoral College Initiative Fund and Postgraduate Research Fund
  • Join a vibrant community of researchers during your research programme.


Contact details

Graduate Centre, Mile End campus

Queen Mary Doctoral College

How can they help?

Queen Mary has taken a pledge to outline our ongoing commitment to estranged students, with the organisation Standalone. Queen Mary has a dedicated scheme to support estranged students to achieve their potential and succeed at university.

  • Support and advice on practical, financial and welfare issues.
  • A dedicated, named member of staff as your key contact (a Welfare Adviser in the Advice and Counselling Service).
  • A dedicated Mental Health Adviser in the Advice and Counselling Service
  • A dedicated Careers Consultant
  • A summer bursary to support students with their costs over the summer vacation.


Contact details

Ground Floor Geography Building, Mile End campus

Advice and Counselling Service

The Students’ Union operates the Multi-Faith Centres located in the Students’ Union Hub and BLSA Building (Whitechapel). 

St Benet’s Chaplaincy welcomes Queen Mary students of all faiths or none. For information on St Benet’s Chaplaincy and its activities see

How can they help?

  • Chapel
  • Spaces for prayer, reflection and contemplation
  • Informal, confidential pastoral support
  • A supportive and open community
  • Coffee lounge
  • Non religious meditation
  • Art and craft workshops


Contact details

St Benet’s (near the Queens’ Building, Mile End campus)

020 7882 5732

Faith at Queen Mary

How can they help?

  • Tuition fee enquiries
  • Setting up a payment arrangement for tuition fee payment
  • If you are having difficulty paying your fees on time, contact the Fees Office to see what instalment arrangements might or might not be possible


Contact details

Ground Floor, iQ East Court
450 Mile End Road

Tuition Fees

How can they help?

Queen Mary is committed to providing support for those who have either been granted refugee status, or a different status as the result of an asylum application, or who are awaiting a decision on their asylum application.

  • A dedicated, named member of staff as your key contact (a Welfare Adviser in the Advice and Counselling Service)
  • Support and advice on practical, financial and welfare issues.
  • Specialist advice on eligibility for Student Finance as a refugee/other status
  • Support and advocacy if you are having problems with Student Finance
  • Support applying for the Sanctuary Scholarship
  • A dedicated Mental Health Adviser in the Advice and Counselling Service


Contact details

Ground Floor Geography Building, Mile End campus
Advice and Counselling Service

How can they help?

  • Advice for international students on applying to Queen Mary
  • Advice for students applying to Queen Mary through our International Partners


Contact details

Global Engagement
Department W
81 Mile End Road
E1 4UJ

Queen Mary - a global university

How can they help?

The Global Opportunities team promotes and manages international student mobility programmes, which allow Queen Mary students to study and travel overseas.

Programmes include:

  • Study Abroad
  • Student Exchanges
  • Summer Schools


Contact details

Room GC213
Graduate Centre
Mile End campus

Incoming associate students:

Outgoing exchanges for full-degree Queen Mary students:

Summer School enquiries:

Global Opportunities

How can they help?

Housing Services team
  • All queries about applying for and living in Queen Mary residences, room allocations and rent collection
  • Online database of available privately rented accommodation
  • Information on finding and living in privately rented accommodation
  • Advice about your rights and responsibilities in relation to living in privately rented/ alternative accommodation
  • Tenancy checking – get your private tenancy agreement checked before you sign it to ensure it is fair
  • Problems with your accommodation, for example getting the deposit back, eviction, difficulties with other tenants, repairs, etc.
Residential Services

For those students living in campus accommodation

  • Welfare and pastoral support
  • Conflict management
  • Discipline
  • Mediation

Contact details

Housing Services

The Housing Hub, Feilden House, Mile End campus

020 7882 6474

Queen Mary residences

Residential Welfare

Residences Reception, France House, Mile End campus

020 7882 6470 (for welfare and pastoral support)

How can they help?

  • IHSE Student Support provides advice/guidance/support for students on the following three programmes within Institute of Health Sciences Education: MBBS, GEP and PA.
  • We offer a confidential and non-judgemental space where IHSE students can come and discuss whatever is on their mind, we work alongside the student to explore their options. We offer signposting to specialist services, guidance on university processes (ECs, Interruption, Deregistration etc) and IHSE specific advice.

Contact details

How can they help?

  • Pastoral support
  • Interruptions
  • Extenuating circumstances
  • Specific learning differences

Contact details

Student Support Office
4th Floor, Office 20 or 5
Institute of Dentistry
Turner Street, Whitechapel
London E1 2AD

Student Support Administrators

How can they help?

Chat with ITS!

IT Services’ round-the-clock help is available to students and staff, and they can help with:

  • Wi-Fi setup, QMplus, email, printing and software, including the excellent Apps Anywhere service
  • Use of the state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities
  • Login and use of teaching and learning software and mobile apps
  • Business application software and high-performance computing in support of research

Contact details

Live Chat

020 7882 8888

IT Self-Service Portal

Report Phishing: 

Service Status Updates

How can they help?

  • QM Elevate: academic and professional skills development modules offered to all QMUL students; the classes focus on academic and professional communication and help to develop your English language, university and employability skills through specifically designed 5-week and 10-week classes; free to all students, offered in semesters 1 and 2.
  • Pre-masters Graduate Diploma to enable you to join your postgraduate programme
  • International Foundation to enable you to join your undergraduate programme
  • Language learning: courses in Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, French, German, Bengali, Italian, Japanese and Spanish. Undergraduate students can study a language as part of their degree, if their programme allows it (check with your Programme Leader); Undergraduate and Postgraduate students can study a language in addition to their degree for pleasure and to enhance their employability skills. Classes are usually in the late afternoons and early evenings to accommodate your study timetables.
  • Multimedia Language Resource Centre: technology enhanced learning environment
  • Academic English Online: Free online interactive learning for English and study skills – A self-access resource for students in higher education.
  • Adjusting to UK study: open access web resource on academic culture in the UK includes 12 short recordings of QMUL students from all over the world. They talk about some of the unexpected differences they found in UK university study, the problems they faced and how they overcame them.
  • Get Spotted: a video-podcast miniseries on effective academic and professional communication. Featured disciplines include Business, Accounting, Law, Economics and Finance, Literature, Film, Global Health, Medicine, Biochemistry, Computer Science, TESOL. The podcasts introduce voices and perspectives of QMUL students, lecturers and alumni and offer a unique insight into what’s involved in communicating with impact across a variety of contexts.

Contact details

SLLF Administration Reception
Room 1.40
Arts One
Mile End campus

Language Centre

How can they help?

The Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre (QMLAC) provides preliminary free advice on a very broad range of legal issues; whether we can take your case depends upon the available expertise of our supervising solicitors and barristers and a case assessment. Please contact us to discuss the possibility of an appointment (during term time only). Our projects cover the following areas of law: family, immigration, criminal, landlord and tenant, wills and probate, contract, employment, image based sexual abuse, company, lasting power of attorney, special educational needs, fitness to practice, environmental and intellectual property law. We also specialise in LGBTQ+ family and immigration matters and actions against the police, employment discrimination and Windrush compensation claims under our Black Justice Project.

Contact details

Department of Law
Mile End campus
(during term time only)

020 7882 3931

Legal Advice Centre

How can they help?

As well as books and a variety of study spaces, you will find:

  • A wide range of e-resources - books and journals
  • Training and support on information literacy, academic skills and research skills
  • Reading Lists Online
  • Assistance by Faculty Liaison
  • Librarians - helping you find and use subject related material
  • Assistance from Senior Academic Skills Advisers - helping you study effectively and to the best of your ability
  • Different kinds of study space
  • Self-service laptop loans
  • Assistive Technology Room
  • PCs, printing and photocopying facilities

Contact details

  • Location and contact details of our libraries and study places can be found at
  • Enquiries are invited at the welcome desks in the libraries, by email at and via webchat 10am to 4pm Monday-Friday
  • Follow us on Instagram for regular updates on our service @qmullibrary

Mental health support at Queen Mary is largely split between two teams: the Advice and Counselling Service, and the Disability and Dyslexia Service. Both services are based in Student Experience.

Disability and Dyslexia Service
  • Students with existing mental health conditions or diagnoses can access the Disability and Dyslexia Service for advice and guidance in terms of implementing reasonable adjustments, as well as access to specialist support like mentoring and funding through the Disabled Students’ Allowances scheme.
Advice and Counselling Service
  • Our Advice and Counselling Service host our Mental Health Advisers and Student Wellbeing Advisers, as well as our long-established Counselling Team.
  • Mental Health Advisers are qualified clinicians who can advise students on how to manage their condition while studying. They also support students with no existing mental health diagnosis, but who are experiencing issues with their mental health.
  • Student Wellbeing Advisers are in place to offer students mental health interventions and to help guide students to the most appropriate parts of Student Wellbeing services; they will also be doing more preventative work with our Schools and Institutes to promote wellbeing in its widest sense.
  • Like most universities, Queen Mary offers short-term counselling and other psychological support
  • (e.g. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) in recognition of the tumultuous issues that our students may be facing for the first time as they enter adulthood.

Contact details

Disability and Dyslexia Service

Room 3.06
Francis Bancroft Building
Mile End campus

020 7882 2756

Disability and Dyslexia Service

Advice and Counselling Service

Ground Floor Geography Building
Mile End campus

Advice and Counselling Service

How can they help?

For medical and dental students only:

  • Blood tests for clinical placements
  • Immunisations
  • Health clearance
  • All students going on a medical/ dental elective will need to schedule an appointment with Occupational Health where a travel risk assessment will be undertaken.

Contact details

Ground Floor
Geography Building
Mile End campus

020 7882 8700

020 7882 3624

Occupational Health for medical and dental students

How can they help?

  • Course-based mentoring scheme where first-years can explore problems with higher year students (mentors).
  • Mentoring takes place in a friendly, informal environment and can help you to settle in to university life, your department and studies.
  • Schools currently running PASS schemes: Biological and Behavioural Sciences; Business and Management; Dentistry; Economics and Finance; Electronic Engineering and Computer Science; Engineering and Materials Science; English and Drama; Geography; History; Languages, Linguistics and Film; Mathematical Sciences; Physical and Chemical Sciences; Politics and International Relations.

Contact details

First-year students can find out about PASS and see who to contact in their own school 

How can they help?

We offer a programme for postgraduate research students who teach to support their career development.

Our practical, interactive workshops focus on key aspects of teaching and learning:

  • Teach Your First Session
  • How Students Learn
  • Effective Feedback for Summative Assessment

We offer two routes through which you can gain Associate Fellowship of Advance HE (AFHEA) in recognition of your teaching practice:

  • AFHEA Accelerator – a one-day workshop followed by 1-2-1 support to enable you to write reflectively about your teaching experience and to apply for AFHEA.
  • Certificate in Learning and Teaching (CILT) - a one-year, 30-credit postgraduate taught programme that introduces participants to the key knowledge and skills that underpins effective teaching in higher education. CILT is open to those currently teaching or supporting learning of Queen Mary students. Successful completion of CILT leads to AFHEA.

Contact details

Queen Mary Academy
Department W
Mile End Road
E1 4UJ

Queen Mary Academy - PhDs who teach

How can they help?

Enquiry service (office open hours)

Monday (not Tuesdays) - Friday: 10am-4pm

Tuesdays: 11am-4pm

Main services include:

  • Management of research student records and student processes on MySIS
  • Enrolment and replacement student ID cards
  • Stipend payments to funded students
  • Change of address
  • Change of programme
  • Taking time out from your studies
  • Nomination of examiners, thesis submission and award
  • Withdrawing from your programme of study

Contact details

Room 213, Graduate Centre
Mile End campus

020 7882 7474

Research Degrees Office

How can they help?

An online platform for all staff, students and visitors to report any incident of sexual violence, bullying, harassment or any hate crime to Queen Mary:

  • Reports can be made anonymously or with contact details
  • Information about local and national specialist support services is also available

Contact details

Report + Support

How can they help?

  • Advice on personal safety and crime prevention
  • Reporting crime, contact closest Security Control Room (either in person or via telephone)
  • Lost and found property
  • Car parking policy

Contact details

Security Control Rooms are located at:

Mile End

Ground Floor Queens Building

020 7882 5000


Garrod Building
Room G.07

020 7882 2599

Charterhouse Square

Dawson Hall
Front Entrance

020 7882 6020

In case of emergency, dial 020 7882 3333

Queen Mary Security

How can they help?

SAHA is a specialist adviser who provides emotional and practical support to any student who has been raped, sexually assaulted, or harassed, whether that’s happened recently or in the past. The SAHA can support you whether this happened at University or not, and can also help you to access other available support services.

You do not have to report your experience to the University or to the police to access support from the SAHA. Everyone copes differently, and as such it is important that survivors of sexual violence decide the best way forward for themselves. The SAHA will never tell you what to do but will discuss options available and be led by you.

Our SAHA’s can support you to understand and manage the impact of sexual violence, as well as provide you with impartial information around your options and support around any reporting process you choose to engage with.

Contact details

Advice and Counselling Service
Ground Floor Geography Building
Mile End campus

Advice and Counselling Service

How can they help?

The Students’ Union offers a wide variety of sports activities that aim to improve your health and wellbeing. Opportunities are open to all, from beginners all the way through to talented athletes, including:

  • On-campus Qmotion Sport and Fitness Centre with 3 floors of facilities including female-only gym, studios, olympic platforms and squash court.
  • Compete locally, nationally and internationally through Club Sport
  • Stay fit and meet new people through our turn-up-and-play Get Active programme or our Social Leagues.
  • Opportunity to gain qualifications through the Community Foundation Leadership Academy.
  • Talented Athlete Programme providing additional support to high performing athletes.

Contact details

020 7882 8040

QMSU Sports

How can they help?

General enquiries and frontline service for Registry Services for undergraduates (except Medicine and Dentistry) and taught postgraduates.

Main services include:

  • Student Status Letter
  • Student ID cards
  • Bursary/scholarship information
  • Student records and enrolment
  • Exams and awards
  • Graduate documents and third party verification requests
  • Gradintelligence account
  • HEAR: digital transcript

Contact details

Student Enquiry Centre
iQ East Court, Mile End Road
London, E1 4GG

020 7882 5005

SEC Online helpdesk 

Student Enquiry Centre

An NHS medical practice on campus (Mile End) open during term time where you can see a Doctor (GP) or nurse every weekday. Registrations for the Student Health Service can take place online, for all students living in inner London unless for clinical reasons (visit

How can they help?

  • Prescribe medicine
  • Advice on sexual health, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Immunisations
  • Repeat prescriptions
  • Blood tests

Contact details

Ground Floor Geography Building
Mile End campus

020 7882 8710

Student Health

How can they help?

The Students’ Union is the collective voice of all students studying at Queen Mary and also provides a range of events, opportunities and services on campus including;

  • Over 250 Clubs and Societies for you to join - to meet new people and develop new skills
  • Student voice and representation through elected representatives, Course Reps and campaigns
  • Sport & Fitness
  • Volunteering in the local community
  • Academic Advice Service
  • Welfare Financial Loan Scheme and Graduation Fund
  • Multi-Faith Centre
  • Social facilities
  • Sustainability opportunities
  • Daily events and activities

Contact details

Queen Mary Students’ Union Hub
Mile End campus

020 7882 8030

Queen Mary Students' Union

How can they help?

The Talented Athlete Programme aims to support high performing athletes studying at Queen Mary. It offers individual support to athletes to achieve their degree and performance goals.

It also offers regular support meetings, strength & conditioning training, annual gym membership, athlete kit and works on collaborative projects with athlete coaches and the individual school.

Contact details

QMSU Talented Athlete Programme

How can they help?

24/7 online and anonymous support for mental health at Queen Mary:

  • Support network – a 24/7, supportive community with clinical guidance plus useful resources
  • Guided support - online courses available on a range of wellbeing and lifestyle topics

Contact details

Please use your Queen Mary email address to register.

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