Below you will find an overview of the timeline of the enrolment process and your first few weeks at Queen Mary. You may not complete all activities in the order they are listed below, however, the first activity of receiving an invitation to complete Pre-Enrolment is the first step to becoming a Queen Mary student.
Please be advised that the dates below relate to the January 2025 enrolment period. For those programmes starting in any other month, your dates will be different however the timeline below should give you an idea of timeframes and what you can expect during the lead up to starting your programme.
For full guidance on Enrolment and what is required of you, please see our Enrolment Process webpage.
What’s happening
02 December onwards
From this date we will start to send out emails to invite students to complete Pre-Enrolment in MySIS (including MySIS login details). New students will be processed daily over the upcoming weeks so please wait for your invitation.
This is the first step to becoming fully enrolled and you can start Pre-Enrolment as soon as you have access to the task - we encourage you to complete it as soon as possible.
The email subject line is 'Pre-Enrolment at QMUL is now available'.
Pre-Enrolment in MySIS should take about 15 minutes to complete and involves you supplying information about yourself, uploading an identification document (i.e. passport details page), confirming how you will be paying your tuition fees and uploading a photo for your student ID card.
Unless you are a British or Irish national, if you will be studying in the UK you will be asked if you have arrived in the country yet. If you have not arrived, we ask that you supply the date that you will arrive and return to the task on that date to upload proof of your visa and arrival in the UK. If you have arrived at the point of completing Pre-Enrolment, you will need to upload evidence of your immigration permission and proof of when you arrived in the UK.
You should complete Pre-Enrolment as soon possible after you have been given access to the task in MySIS. The deadline to Pre-Enrol is also your enrolment deadline.
Once you have completed the task you will receive an email with the subject line 'Thank you for completing Pre-Enrolment'.
You will need to pay or make arrangements to pay your tuition fees (e.g. set up an instalment plan or provide us with your Student Finance 'Student Support Number' during Pre-Enrolment) with the Fees Office.
You will not be fully enrolled until you have paid or made arrangements to pay your fees.
You will be sent guidance on how to pay your fees shortly after completing Pre-Enrolment and an invoice will be sent via email within a few working days.
05 December onwards
You’ll receive your IT account details directly from IT Services via email within 72 hours of being invited to complete Pre-Enrolment. You’ll now be able to access QMplus, the QM App, your QM email account and Eduroam (campus wi-fi). You don’t need to have completed Pre-Enrolment or be enrolled to have access but you do need to have been invited to start the Pre-Enrolment task.
Use the 24/7 Live Chat facility or call +44 020 7882 8888 to speak with IT Services if you have not received this email or you cannot access your accounts.
03 January onwards
Queen Mary Enrolment will start for students who have completed Pre-Enrolment in MySIS and uploaded a suitable identification document (e.g. passport biographical details page) and visa documentation (if required). We cannot proceed with Queen Mary Enrolment if you have not uploaded suitable ID and evidence of your immigration permission if you are a non-British or Irish Citizen studying in the UK.
Time frame for Queen Mary Enrolment: We will start Queen Mary Enrolment on the date published. We aim to complete our checks on the information and documents provided during Pre-Enrolment within 10 working days of you completing Pre-Enrolment, once the enrolment period has begun. For example, if you Pre-Enrol and submit all required documents (including evidence of visa and proof of arrival, if needed) on 4 December and Queen Mary Enrolment begins on 03 January, we aim to have completed our checks within 10 working days of 03 January. If you Pre-Enrol on 10 January, we aim to have completed our checks within 10 working days of this date.
Please note that we will email you with all updates regarding your enrolment and we ask that you please be patient and check your QM email account regularly.
Your enrolment status will be shown to you on your MySIS homepage. We also have guidance to help you understand your enrolment status in our Enrolment FAQ 'How do I know when I am enrolled?'.
Once you have received confirmation that you are fully enrolled, an account will be created for you with Gradintelligence, the service provider of our official Student Status Letter. Your letter is your proof of enrolment and can be used as a bank letter and for council tax exemption purposes. Check your QM email account for your account activation request!
09 January onwards
We will email students based on campus to inform them of where and when to collect their ID card from the Mile End Campus during a personal ID card collection slot or a drop-in session. Our ID Card Collection webpage provides full guidance.
Mid-January onwards
Your School/Institute administrative team is your first point of contact for your academic studies and can answer your questions. They will inform you if you need to register for any modules and will provide you with access to your timetable via QMplus and the QM App. Please note that you may not have access to your full timetable until you are fully enrolled.
13 - 17 January
Welcome Week starts on Monday 13 January 2025 and consists of School/Institute inductions as well as events and activities organised by the Students’ Union, Residences and more. You can still attend Welcome Week events if you have not completed the enrolment process but you may need some form of ID to attend some activities.
13 January onwards
Please note you will only be able to collect your card if you have full or temporary enrolment.
22 January
Teaching starts on Wednesday 22 January 2025 for most programmes, however, your exact date will be on your offer letter. Or, please check with your School/Institute if you are unsure. You should still attend lectures and access the online learning environment QMplus even if you are not yet fully enrolled.
31 January
This is the final date for Enrolment. You must complete Pre-Enrolment by this date, otherwise you may be deregistered.
07 February
If you were granted temporary enrolment, this is the final date to resolve any issues and become fully enrolled. Failure to resolve your temporary enrolment by this date may result in your deregistration.