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Pragmatic Clinical Trials Unit

PhD Opportunities

Here are some exciting ideas for PhD projects to develop, supervised by leading experts in pragmatic trials. However, if you have an idea that is not listed below, please feel free to contact us on and we will be happy to consider other ideas.

Potential projects:

1. Optimal incomplete stepped wedge trials: staircase designs and beyond (Dr Richard Hooper)

2. Design of stepped wedge trials with continuous recruitment (Dr Richard Hooper)

3. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions to improve uptake and adherence to cardiovascular prevention treatments (Professor Borislava Mihaylova)

4. Impact of asthma on health outcomes, healthcare use and costs (Professor Borislava Mihaylova)

5. Use of routine healthcare data to develop long-term disease models for management of asthma (Professor Borislava Mihaylova)

6. Assessing effects of interventions on socioeconomic inequalities to inform health policy (Professor Borislava Mihaylova)

7. Evaluating cost-effectiveness of complex health interventions (Professor Borislava Mihaylova)

8. Efficiency of Trials within Cohorts designs (Dr Clare Relton)

9. Opt-out consent for pragmatic trials within primary care (Dr Clare Relton)

11. What are the barriers for the inclusion of studies within pragmatic trials and how to overcome them (Dr Clare Relton)

12. Effective ways to create prediction models of recruitment rate for pragmatic trials???

16. Investigation of childhood conditions (respiratory diseases, mental health conditions, etc.), family relations and well-being indicators later in life using cohort data (such as the National Child Development Study) (Dr Florian Tomini)

17. Health and socioeconomic impact of (work-related) asthma and respiratory conditions using the UK labour force survey (Dr Florian Tomini)

18. The impact of financial incentives design on inequality for mental health patients in England (Dr Yan Feng)

21. Using routinely collected data - methods and pitfalls (Professor Sandra Eldridge)

22. Analysing trials with ordinal outcomes and clustering in one arm (Professor Sandra Eldridge)

23. Informed consent in trials within cohorts and cluster randomised trials (Professor Sandra Eldridge and Dr Clare Relton)

24. Synthesising information from pilot and feasibility studies (Professor Sandra Eldridge)

25. Bias in pragmatic trials (Professor Sandra Eldridge)


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