
Pragmatic Clinical Trials Unit

Courses and Events menu

Current Courses

The PCTU hosts a series of courses throughout the year relating to clinical trials and methodological work designed to improve your skills, share good practice and to learn from other. Anyone involved in the design, conduct and analysis of pragmatic trials would benefit from attending PCTU's courses including both novice principal investigators and early career researchers as well as individuals involved in the design and running of trials, such as research nurses, PhD students and trial managers.

Coming soon

The PCTU's one-day course Introduction to Trials within Cohorts (TwiCs) takes place on 9th September 2019. Registration is now open.

Inside a ClinicalTrials Unit provides a unique the opportunity to spend up to one year learning about a Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) in a live environment and the design and conduct of pragmatic clinical trials through an individualised learning plan. The course can start at any point in the year and is aimed at researchers who are not familiar with working with a clinical trials unit and want to know more about how a CTU can assist in their project. This course is particularly suitable for those undertaking fellowships.

Explore our upcoming courses via the Current Courses menu to the left. 

Sign up for courses and events updates

Sign up to receive regular updates, news and information on courses and events at the PCTU. We will not share your information and you can unsubscribe at any time. Complete the Courses and Events mailing list consent form and send it by email to the Courses and Events Team.

If you have any questions, please contact the PCTU Courses and Events Team.

Collaborate with us

If you are interested in hosting an event in collaboration with PCTU, please contact the PCTU Courses and Events Team.

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