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Pragmatic Clinical Trials Unit

Trials Using Cohorts & Routine Health Data: International symposium on their Efficiency and Analysis

Wednesday 15th May, 2019  10am - 4.30pm

Wellcome Collection, Euston Road, London, UK

Innovative designs for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) utilising existing health data are increasingly used in healthcare intervention research. This includes trial designs that use existing data sources (randomized registry trials, administrative health record trials, and electronic health record trials) as well as Trials embedded within Cohorts (TwiCs) designs.

How efficient are these trial designs?    How should these designs be analysed?

This one-day international symposium brings together experts in order to: share knowledge and experience of these designs, provide a forum to discuss and debate, and identify future directions for research. 

Please see the latest list of confirmed speakers: Trials Using Cohorts & Routine Health Data - Confirmed Speakers [PDF 960KB]

Symposium Chair

Dr Adrian Mander

Director, MRC Biostatistics Unit Hub for Trials Methodology Research, Cambridge University

Confirmed Talks

CONSORT Reporting guidelines for RCTs using cohorts and routinely collected health data:

- Brett Thombs, Professor, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Canada

TwiCs in intervention oncology – embedding in routine care and sequential randomization

- Helena Verkooijen, Professor of Evaluation of Innovation, Utrecht Medical Center, Netherlands

The Swedish registry-based trials that changed the World (or at least the guidelines for CVD)

- Ole Fröbert, adjunct Professor, School of Medical Sciences, Örebro University, Sweden

Why and how we changed an observational cohort study into a TwiCs platform:

The TARGet Kids! experience

- Jonathon Maguire, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Toronto, Canada

 Using Longitudinal Data to Inform Sampling Strategies for Trials Within Cohorts

- Mary Fortune. Post-doc statistician, MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge


COST: There is no charge for this one day event and lunch will be provided. However places are limited. If you are interested in attending please contact


The scientific organizing committee welcomes submissions for oral and poster presentations concerning the efficiency and/or analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) embedded within existing cohort studies or RCTs that utilize routinely collected health data.

Efficiency - any aspect relating to the inputs/ outputs of the RCT endeavor. For example – trial funding, ethics board approvals, identifying/ screening trial participants, recruiting/ consenting/ retaining trial participants, collecting outcomes, value of information obtained, generalizability of the results, reporting/publishing/implementing trial results.

If you want to  discuss your abstract please contact

Submit your abstract by 28th February, 2019 to  .

Notification of acceptance will be by 21st March, 2019.


Preparing your abstract

 1. Presenting author's and co-authors' name, affiliations and email address

2. Abstract title – clearly indicating the nature of the work presented in the abstract

3. Abstract text – 300 words max including: Background/aims, Methods and Results (if relevant), Discussion and Conclusions. Include a clear statement relating your talk to the symposium themes.

4. Up to 5 key words.

Authors of all accepted abstracts will be invited to publish in a special supplement of the journal Trials.


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