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Pragmatic Clinical Trials Unit

Practical Course on Cluster Randomised Trials and Stepped Wedge Designs

This course has been cancelled at the moment and new dates will be announced in due course.


This course is based on the book 'A Practical Guide to Cluster Randomised Trials in Health Services Research' by Sandra Eldridge and Sally Kerry. The course incorporates developments in methodology since the book was written and, in particular, now includes substantial material on stepped wedge designs. The course is offered as a three day introductory course; a two day advanced course; or as a comprehensive 5 day course combining the introductory and advanced courses.

Who is this course for

Anyone involved or with an interest in the design, conduct, analysis or reporting of a pragmatic trials in the academic or NHS sector. The course will be of interest to new principal investigators, statisticians, research nurses, PhD students, early career researchers and trial managers.

The three day introductory course covers:

  • Ethics
  • Recruitment
  • Piloting
  • Introduction to design
  • Reporting
  • Principles of health economics
  • Avoiding bias and process evaluations
  • Introduction to analysis and sample size calculations

The two day advanced course covers

  • Systematic reviews,
  • Health economic analysis
  • Design
  • Analysis
  • Sample size calculations 


Professor Sandra Eldridge - Queen Mary University of London

Sally Kerry - Queen Mary University of London

Professor Richard Hooper - Queen Mary University of London

Brennan Kahan  

Feedback from previous delegates:

 A very useful introduction to the key aspects of CRTs. Very well organised and useful course material

 “CRTs are new to me so it was all useful

 “Very enjoyable and informative

 “Exercises were very worthwhile and helpful in consolidating theory. Really appreciated example articles as well. Thank you


For further information and to register your interest please contact


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