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Pragmatic Clinical Trials Unit

Health Policy Evaluation

Governments across the globe introduced various health policies to improve the populations’ health as well as the performance of their healthcare systems. With considerable investment made in those health policy programmes, it is important for decision makers to understand the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of those interventions. Furthermore, it is also important to evaluate specific design elements of health polices in order to inform optimal design under different healthcare systems. Our research in this theme contributes empirical evidence in both areas. We conduct evaluation studies to examine the performance of policy programmes. We also contribute empirical evidence for the evaluation of intervention designs with recommendations for their future improvements.

Ongoing projects

  • Effectiveness and Value for Money of Prescribed Specialised Services Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) interventions 2016/17 to 2018/19

References to our published papers:

Levy M, Chen Y, Clarke R, Bennett D, Tan Y, Guo Y, Bian Z, Yu C, Li L, Yip W, Chen Z, Mihaylova B, for the China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group (2020). “Socioeconomic differences in health-care use and outcomes for stroke and ischaemic heart disease in China during 2009–16: a prospective cohort study of 0·5 million adults”, Lancet Glob Health; 8: e591–602.

Wu, R., Li, N., & Ercia, A (2020). The effects of private health insurance on universal health coverage objectives in China: a systematic literature review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(6), 2049.

Feng Y, Gravelle H (2019). Details matter: physician responses to multiple payments for the same activity. Social Science and Medicine vol. 235.

Feng Y, Kristensen SR, Lorgelly P, Meacock R, Sanchez MR, Siciliani L, Sutton M (2019). Pay for performance for specialised care in England: Strengths and weaknesses. Health Policy vol. 123, (11)

Feng Y, Pistollato M, Charlesworth A, Devlin N, Propper C, Sussex J (2015). Association between market concentration of hospitals and patient health gain following hip replacement surgery. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy vol. 20, (1) 11-17.

Feng Y, Ma A, Farrar S, Sutton M (2015). The Tougher the Better: An Economic Analysis of Increased Payment Thresholds on the Performance of General Practices. Health Economics vol. 24, (3) 353-371.

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