Methodological Strengths and Research
Having our own methodological research programme helps us to stay at the forefront of the science and execution of pragmatic trials.
Our research interests fall broadly into these themes:
- Cluster randomised trials
- Stepped Wedge Trials
- Trials within Cohorts (TwiCs)
- Pilot and feasibility studies
- Studies within Trials (SWATS)
- Economic Evaluation
- Decision modelling for economic evaluation
- Health Related Quality of Life research
- Health Policy Evaluation
View our methodological publications.
If you are interested in exploring a methodological collaboration with us, please contact
PhD opportunities
For more details of PhD studentships and other postgraduate research opportunities in our Institute, including studentships with the Trials Methodology Research Partnership, visit the WIPH Postgraduate Research web-pages.
Do also visit our “People” web-pages to find out more about the staff who work in different methodological areas. If you have a an idea for methodological research that you would be interested in developing into a proposal for a Doctoral Fellowship or Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, for example, and you think it would be a good fit with our interests, please do reach out to one of us.
Watch PCTU Director Professor Richard Hooper deliver a talk titled "Designing Stepped Wedge Trials with Continuous Recruitment"