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Pragmatic Clinical Trials Unit

Our Publications

Many academic staff within the unit publish widely and their full publication list can be accessed via their own webpage or at

Here we list published reports, protocols, and statistical analysis plans for the studies in which the PCTU has formally collaborated. Methodological publications can be found on our methodological publications pages. 

Sawtell, M, Wiggins, M, Wiseman O, Mehay A, McCourt C, Sweeney L, Hatheral B, Ahmad T, Greenberg L, Hunter R, Hamborg T, Eldridge S, Harden A (2023) Group antenatal care: findings from a pilot randomised controlled trial of REACH Pregnancy Circles. Pilot Feasibility Stud 9, 42.

McClatchey, K., Hammersley, V., Steed, L. et al. IMPlementing IMProved Asthma self-management as RouTine (IMP2ART) in primary care: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled implementation trial. Trials 24, 252 (2023).

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