Interview with John McBurney by Stephen Nolan for BBC Radio Ulster The Nolan Show on 4 December 2013
Audio interview with John McBurney, solicitor to the family of Harry Breen, by Stephen Nolan for BBC Radio Ulster The Nolan Show on 4 December 2013. One day earlier the findings of the Smithwick Tribunal were released to the public, which indicated that unidentified members of An Garda Síochána had colluded with the Provisional IRA in the killing of two RUC officers, Harry Breen and Bob Buchanan, in south Armagh on 20 March 1989. The Irish government issued an apology for the failings identified by the Tribunal. McBurney reacts to the Tribunal's findings and the responses of Sinn Fein and the Irish government. The Nolan Show is a daily current affairs programme on BBC Radio Ulster.
Date of Release/Broadcast: 4 December 2013
Name of First Interviewee: John McBurney
Role at time of Interview: Solicitor to the family of Harry Breen
Interviewer: Stephen Nolan
Purpose: News
Media: Audio
Copyright: BBC © 2013
Link: Listen to the interview
Programme/Book/Article: BBC Radio Ulster The Nolan Show
Time Period covered: 1989-2013
Key Individuals: John McBurney, Harry Breen, Bob Buchanan, Gerry Adams, Alan Shatter, Eamon Gilmore, Maurice Gibson
Key Words: Smithwick Tribunal, Provisional IRA, collusion, An Garda Síochána, RUC, victim, Irish government, Sinn Fein