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From world-changing discoveries to advancing inclusivity, and more - the School of Physics is an exciting place to be

The School of Physics has long history of trailblazing work. But our work as a community goes beyond the academic. We are also dedicated to creating an inclusive and interdisciplinary environment, where every member of our community has the opportunity and tools to excel.

The School of Physics and Astronomy holds an Athena Swan Silver Award in recognition of our work in advancing gender equality. The Athena Swan charter exists to encourage and recognize commitment to advancing gender equality in HE.
We are actively developing multidisciplinary collaborations which span from the traditional areas of science to opening new opportunities between academia, the industry, government services, science, and humanities. One such example is Chromosol, a Queen Mary physics spin-out company, which was named a winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry Emerging Technologies Competition in 2020.
We are a member of SEPnet – the South East Physics network. Students benefit from the combined expertise of SEPnet’s universities through video conferencing, events and GRADnet, the largest physics postgraduate school in England. GRADnet is the collaborative graduate school of SEPnet, bringing together the research strengths of the nine South-East England physics departments. It has been set up to offer a wide range of advanced physics training and professional skills training relevant to physicists, with emphasis on the skills physicists need during their MSc, PhD and early career researcher stages.
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