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Dr Suthesh Sivapalaratnam


Clinical Senior Lecturer



Dr Suthesh Sivapalaratnam studied Medicine at the University of Amsterdam and was conducted research for his PhD between the University of Cambridge and the University of Amsterdam, with a 12-month stint as a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Center for Human Genetic Research at the Massachusetts General Hospital Boston and the Broad Institute, Boston (USA). In 2015 he secured one of the highly prestigious TRTH fellowships of the  American Society of Haematology/European Haematology Association.  

Suthesh’s current clinical practice spans paediatric and adult Haemostasis and Thrombosis (HT). He works at one of the largest haemophilia practices in the world, that encompasses 2350 patients with rare bleeding disorders. He leads the paediatric HT service, is the genomics lead and MDT chair for North London and interim academic lead for clinical haematology. Suthesh is the Chief Medical Officer and part of the day to day management team of BloodCounts! which was awarded £1 million by the Trinity Challenge. He is currently a PI on 4 clinical trials in Haemophilia, Thrombosis and sub-PI for Gene Therapy for Haemophilia and Gene editing in Sickle Cell.


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