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Complex patterns of multimorbidity associated with severe COVID-19 and long COVID

Early evidence that patients with (multiple) pre-existing diseases are at highest risk for severe COVID-19 has been instrumental in the pandemic to allocate critical care resources and later vaccination schemes. However, systematic studies exploring the breadth of medical diagnoses are scarce but may help to understand severe COVID-19 among patients at supposedly low risk.


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Early in the COVID-19 pandemic it was clear that people with multiple chronic diseases were vulnerable and needed special protection, such as shielding. However, many people without such diseases required hospital care or died from COVID-19. Here, we investigated the importance of underlying diseases, including mild diseases not requiring hospitalization, for COVID-19 outcomes. Using information from electronic health records we find that many severe, but also less severe diseases increase the risk for severe COVID-19 and its impact on health even months after acute infection (Long COVID). This included an almost two-fold higher risk among people that reported poor well-being and fatigue. Our findings show the value of using primary care health records and the need to consider all the medical history of patients to identify those in need of special protection.

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