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Professor Simon Haas


Professor and Chair of Single Cell Technologies and Precision Medicine



Simon serves as a Chair of Single Cell Technologies and Precision Medicine at PHURI and holds a Heisenberg Professorship at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), the Charité, and the Max Delbrück Center (MDC) in Berlin.  Following an interdisciplinary approach, his laboratory combines the power of innovative technologies, computational biology, and experimental sciences to unravel the complex etiologies of diseases. Employing a systems medicine strategy, the Haas lab integrates molecular, cellular and microenvironmental information to deeply understand the onset, progression, and treatment resistance of hematological cancers and immune-related diseases. These comprehensive insights into disease etiology lay the foundation for advanced diagnostics, enabling early disease detection and facilitating the development of customized therapies. 

For his research, Simon received numerous fellowships and awards, including an ERC Starting Grant, the Otto Schmeil Award, the Young Investigator Award from the German Stem Cell Network, the Lisec-Artz Award, and a Heisenberg Professorship


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