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Barts Pituitary Centre


Prof Korbonits published over 100 original publications in the pituitary field, including on GNAS imprinting – JCI 2001, USB8 JCEM 2015, XLAG – Acta Neuropath Comm 2016, PRKAR1A EJE 2017 and many AIP-related publications including one in New Eng J Med 42 related to the gene AIP.


One of her most recent publications discusses the mechanism of effect of AIP: RET signalling provides tumorigenic mechanism and tissue specificity for AIP-related somatotrophinomas [Garcia-Rendueles, Oncogene, 2021]


Recent reviews on this topic:

The clinical aspects of pituitary tumour genetics [Denes, Endocrine, 2021]

AIP-Related Familial Isolated Pituitary Adenomas [Korbonits, GeneReviews, 2020]

Genetics of Acromegaly and Gigantism [Boguslawska, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2021]


Her full set of publications can be seen here:


For further information regarding genetic diseases please visit the Familial Isolated Pituitary Adenoma (FIPA) website:


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