Submitting your paper
The 2020 Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) conference will be held at Queen Mary, University of London from 4-6 September 2020. The conference organisers invite proposals for paper presentations and panels to be submitted by Sunday10 May 2020. Successful delegates will be informed by end of May.
We are interested in receiving proposals relating to the empirical study of any aspect of elections, public opinion and parties in the UK, other countries or comparatively. Our main interest is to feature high quality, rigorous research regardless of methodological approach.
Paper proposals
Paper proposals should provide a title, abstract (up to 200 words), 5 keywords, the names and affiliations of all authors, and the email address of the corresponding author.
Panel proposals
Panel proposals should include details (as above) of 3 or 4 papers on the same theme, together with the details and email address of the panel convenor. Panel proposals may also include suggestions for a chair, but these are not required.