Defining moments for the European Union
Dr Sarah Wolff talked to Radio Canada to share her analysis on the defining moments for the European Union in 2018 and the challenges ahead for 2019. Whilst she discussed the importance of unity between EU countries during Brexit negotiations, Dr. Wolff also stressed that there are important divisions among Member States when it comes to the Global Pact for Migration. Several have refused to endorse this agreement, also known as the Pact of Marrakech. According to Dr. Wolff these Member States are also countries which are governed by conservative, extreme-right or populist governments or in coalition with these forces. According to Dr. Wolff there is a risk populist parties increasing in the European Parliament following the upcoming elections in May 2019. Commenting upon the Yellow Vest movement in France and their role in the future European elections, she also mentioned that it is unlikely that this popular movement will become a political party, although it may be instrumentalised by some politicians, possibly from the extreme-right.
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