It’s not just Trump and the US that is threatening reproductive health: Curtailment of reproductive rights is the norm around the world
In an interview Professor Sophie Harman, Reader in Politics at Queen Mary discusses her BAFTA-nominated film Pili as well as Global Health and Trump’s presidency. “Having attention towards Trump around issues of sexual reproductive rights and global health issues is really important, not only because of the amount of money the US invests in global health but also because of the ideas and the signalling of direction of global health,” she said. “The idea that Trump is all to blame for failures in global health governance is not true, yes it’s a big factor, but often what happens is that figures like Trump and Bolsonaro become these totemic people in this debate and the very structures that allow them to replicate these kind of narratives is ignored, to the detriment of women’s health,” added Professor Harman.
Also featured in E-International Relations