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School of Politics and International Relations

Professor Philip Cowley, BSc (Brunel), MA (Hull)


Professor of Politics

Room Number: ArtsOne 2.20A
Twitter: @philipjcowley
Office Hours: Mondays 09:30-10:30 (online) and Thursdays 11:00-12:00 (in person). Please book using the link below.


Having previously worked at the University of Nottingham and the University of Hull, Philip Cowley joined Queen Mary in early 2016.

He has been co-convenor of the PSA’s Elections, Public Opinion and Parties specialist group and was one of the editors of Parliamentary Affairs. He has won various prizes from the Political Studies Association for his research, including their Richard Rose Prize for the best young scholar working on British politics and the Political Communication prize. In 2003, he received the PSA’s W.J.M. Mackenzie prize for his book Revolts and Rebellions, and, along with Mark Stuart, he won the PSA’s Innovation in Teaching award in 2013 for the teaching of parliament. 

His media work has included articles for the most major British newspapers and magazines, and he has appeared on various BBC radio and television programmes. He writes a regular column for the House magazine.

Office hour booking link

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