Professor Patrick Diamond, BA, MPhil (Cambs); PhD (Sheffield)
Professor in Public Policy
Telephone: 0207 882 8589
Room Number: Arts One, 2.19B
Office Hours: Tuesday 12-1pm
Patrick was formally Research Fellow in the Department of Politics at the University of Manchester, and Gwilym Gibbon Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford. He is a Visiting Fellow at Kellogg College, University of Oxford and an Associate Member of Nuffield College. Patrick is a trustee of the Dartington Service Design Lab and the Prisoners’ Education Trust (PET). He is also on the Board of the Campaign for Social Science.
He is Chair of the think-tank Policy Network, and sits on the Scientific Council of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies. Patrick held a number of senior posts in British central government between 2000 and 2010, and was formally Head of Policy Planning in 10 Downing Street. He was a Local Councillor in the London Borough of Southwark from 2010 to 2014, and he has been a trustee of the Bromley by Bow Centre, a pioneering voluntary organisation led by the local community in East London.
Patrick has contributed op-ed articles to the Financial Times, the Guardian, the Independent, the Daily Telegraph, the Wall Street Journal, the Times Literary Supplement, the Times Educational Supplement, and the New Statesman. He comments regularly on numerous national media outlets, and has given interviews on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, the Westminster Hour, the Moral Maze, Start the Week, Newsnight, Sky News with Adam Boulton, and CNBC news. He contributes to other European newspapers and journals including Die Zeit, Italianieuropei, Berliner Republik, and Berlin Network.
POL350: Analysing Public Policy
POL396: British Economic and Social Policy Since 1945
POLM001: Theories of the Policy-Making Process
POLM025: Evaluation and Delivery of Public Policy
Research Interests:
- UK productivity, regional inequality and the role of institutions in building state capacity
- The comparative study of the core executive and civil service
- Analysis of policy advisory systems
- Place-based public policy
- Borders and identities in the governance of Northern Ireland
- Social democratic ideologies across the EU
- Interdisciplinary study of the British Labour party.
Examples of research funding:
- ESRC Productivity Institute, 2022-25, Institutions and Governance in UK Productivity, October 2021 [Awarded], £140,000, Co-investigator.
- Research England Impact Fund, 2023-24, Mapping Well-Being in London, February 2023, £20,000, [Awarded], Co-Investigator with Dr Elizabeth Simons.
- ESRC Impact Acceleration Award, 2021-22, Economic and Social Change in East London with the Centre for London, £11,000, November 2021 [Awarded], Co-Investigator.
- HEIF Collaboration Fund Award 2019-20 with the Local Government Information Unit on place-shaping in local governance, £9750, January 2020 [Awarded], Co-investigator.
- IHSS Large Grant Seed Corn Fund 2020-21, project on English governance after Brexit, £2950, September 2020 [Awarded], Principal Investigator.
- ESRC Impact Acceleration Award on ‘anti-politics’ jointly with the University of Manchester and the Institute for Government, £12k per annum for 18 months, November 2016 [Awarded], Co-Investigator.
- ESRC Collaborative Doctoral Award with the Local Government Information Unit (LGIU), £25k per annum over three years, June 2015 [Awarded], Co-Investigator.
Diamond, P., Dorey, D. & Garnett, M. British Politics, London: Routledge, 2023.
Diamond, P. & G. RadiceWarring Factions: Labour’s Civil Wars: How infighting has kept the Left from power (and what can be done about it), London: Haus Publishing, 2022.
Diamond, P. The British Labour Party in Opposition and in Power 1979-2019: Forward March Halted?, London: Routledge, 2020.
Diamond, P. The End of Whitehall: Government by Permanent Campaign, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2018.
Diamond, P. Endgame for the Centre-Left: The Retreat of European Social Democracy, London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.
Diamond, P. The Crosland Legacy: The Future of British Social Democracy, Bristol: Policy Press, 2016.
Diamond, P. Transforming the Market: Towards a new political economy, London: Civitas, 2014.
Diamond, P. Governing Britain: Power, Politics and the Prime Minister, London: IB Tauris, 2013.
Diamond, P. Shifting Alliances: Europe, America and the future of British foreign policy, London: Methuen Politico’s Press, 2008.
Edited books:
Diamond, P. The Crisis of Globalisation, (ed.), London: IB Tauris, 2018.
Diamond, P., Nedergaard. P. & Rosamund, B. London: Routledge, 2018.The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Brexit, (ed.) London, Routledge.
Chwalisz, C. & Diamond, P. The Predistribution Agenda: Tackling Inequality and Supporting Sustainable Growth, (ed.), London: IB Tauris, 2015.
Clarke, C., Diamond, P., James, T. & Bale, T. British Conservative Leaders (ed.), London: Biteback Books, 2015.
Diamond, P. & Dolphin, T. Progressive Capitalism in Britain: Pillars of a New Political Economy, (ed.) , London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.
Diamond, P., Cramme, O. & McTernan, M. Progressive Politics After the Crash (ed.) , London: IB Tauris, 2013.
Cramme, O. & Diamond, P. After the Third Way: The Future of European Social Democracy (ed.) London: IB Taurus, 2012.
Diamond, P. & Kenny, M. Reassessing New Labour: State and Society under Blair and Brown (ed.),, Oxford: Wiley (Political Quarterly Special Edition), 2011.
Diamnond, P. Beyond New Labour: the future of social democracy (ed.), London: Methuen Politico’s Press, 2009.
Cramme, O. & Diamond, P. Global Justice, Social Justice (ed.), Cambridge: Polity Press, 2008.
Diamond, P. Public Matters: How to Revive Britain’s Public Realm (ed.) London: Methuen Politico’s Press, 2007.
Diamond, P., Giddens, A. & Liddle, R. Global Europe, Social Europe (ed.), Cambridge: Polity Press, 2006.
Giddens, A. & Diamond, P., The New Egalitarianism (ed.), Cambridge: Polity Press, 2005.
Diamond, P. New Labour’s Old Roots: Labour’s Revisionist Thinkers 1931-97 (ed.), Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2004.
Browne, M & Diamond, P. Rethinking Social Democracy (ed.), London: Methuen Politico’s Press/Policy Network, 2003.
Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters:
Diamond , P. & Laffin, M. ‘UK Inter-Governmental Relations: Centre-Local Relations in England’, in New Perspectives on Intergovernmental Relations: Crisis and Response, T. Bergstrom, S. Kuhlmann, M. Laffin & E. Wayenberg (eds.), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
Diamond, P. Richards, D. Sanders, A. & Westwood, A. ‘Levelling Up the UK: If not the Conservatives, will Labour Learn the Lessons from Past Policy Failings?’, The Political Quarterly, early view, 2023.
Diamond, P. ‘The Executive’, in Willet, J. & Giovanni, A. Politics in the UK, London: Sage, 2023.
Diamond, P. ‘The Central and Local State After Covid: Contesting the Governance Paradigm’, in L. Andres, J. Bryson, A. Ersoy & L. Reardon Pandemic recovery? Reframing and rescaling societal challenges, (London: Edward Elgar), 2023.
Diamond, P. & Colfer, B. ‘The Future of Irish-UK Relations: Borders and Identities after Brexit’, in The Future of Irish-UK Relations: Borders and Identities after Brexit’, Edited by B. Colfer & P. Diamond, The Political Quarterly, 94 (1), 80-84, 2023.
Diamond & B. Colfer ‘Anglo-Irish Relations After Brexit’, Comparative European Politics, Volume 20 (1), 544-565, 2022.
Diamond, P. ‘Neil Kinnock and New Labour’, in K. Hickson, Neil Kinnock: Saving the Labour Party? London: Routledge, 2022.
Diamond, P. 'The Resistible Corrosion of Europe’s Centre-Left: The Case of the British Labour Party Since the Financial Crisis', in G. Menz (ed.), Social Democracy in Crisis, London: Routledge, 2022.
Diamond, P. ‘Crosland in the seventies: Revisionist social democracy in a cold climate’, in Yeowell, N. (ed.), Rethinking Labour’s Past, London: Bloomsbury, 2022.
Copeland, P. & Diamond, P. ‘From European Regional Development Funds to Levelling Up: Empty Signifiers, Ungrounded Statism and English Regional Policy’, Local Economy, Vol. 37 (1-2), 37-49, 2022.
Diamond, P. & Laffin, M. ‘Inter-governmental relations in the UK during the Covid crisis’, Local Government Studies, Vol. 48 (2), 232-250, 2022.
Diamond, P. &Pike, K.) ‘Myth and Meaning: Corbynism and the Interpretation of Political Leadership’, The British Journal of Politics and Leadership Relations, 2021. Vol. 65 (3), 554-569 .
Diamond, P. ‘Destroying One Public Service Bargain Without Making Another’, The Political Quarterly, Volume 92 (1), 95-100, 2021.
Diamond, P. ‘New Jerusalems? Labour Party Economic Policy-Making 1931-2019’, The Political Quarterly, Volume 92 (2), 264-273, 2021.
Diamond, P. 'Polycentric governance and policy advice: Lessons from Whitehall policy advisory systems', Policy and Politics, 48 (4), 563-581, 2020.
Diamond, P. & Pike, K. ‘Better in kung fu movies than in political parties: Labour’s Factionalism and a Reappraisal of Eric Hobsbawm’s Political Thought',, The Political Quarterly, 2020.
Diamond, P. ‘The Westminster System under the Cameron Coalition: Towards ‘Promiscuous Partisanship’ or Institutional Resilience?’, Public Policy and Administration, Volume 34 (3), pp. 241–261, 2019.
Diamond, P. ‘Breaking the Mould? Roy Jenkins’ ‘Radical Centre’ and British Social Democracy in the ‘New Hard Times’’, The Political Quarterly, Volume 90 (1), Pages 134-142, 2019.
Diamond, P. ‘Externalization and politicization in policy advisory systems: a case study of contestable policy-making 2010–2015’, Public Money & Management, Volume 40 (1), pp. 42-51, 2020.
Diamond, P., Richards, D. & Wager, A. ‘Westminster’s Brexit Paradox: The contingency of the ‘old’ versus ‘new’ politics’, , The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Volume 21 (2), pp. 330–348, 2019.
Diamond, P. & Guidi, M. ‘The PD and social-democratic parties in Europe’, , Contemporary Italian Politics, Volume 11 (3), pp. 252-261, 2019.
Diamond, P. ‘Il Pd e i partiti socialdemocratici europei’, in E. Bressanelli & D. Natali (eds.), Politico in Italia, Bologna: il Mulino, 2019.
Diamond, P. ‘The Welfare State and Globalisation’, in P. Bent (ed.), Routledge Handbook on Welfare States, London: Routledge, 2018.
Diamond, P. ‘The British Welfare State and Social Need’, in S. Cohen & C. Fuhr (eds.), Austerity, Community Action, and the Future of Citizenship in Europe, Bristol: Policy Press, 2017.
Diamond, P. ‘Re-centring the British Political Tradition: Explaining Contingency in New Labour and the Coalition’s Governance Statecraft’, with D. Richards and M.J. Smith, in N. Turnbull (ed.), Interpreting Governance: High Politics and Public Policy, London: Routledge, 2016.
Diamond, P. ‘Learning the Lessons from Defeat: The Labour Party’s Beckett Report and the Alternatives’, The Political Quarterly, Volume 87, Issue 3, Pages 431-436, 2016.
Diamond, P. ‘Assessing the Performance of UK Opposition Leaders: Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘Straight Talking, Honest Politics’, Politics and Governance, Volume 4 (2), 2016.
Diamond, P. ‘Whitehall in Crisis?’, in Institutional Crisis in Twenty-First Century Britain, C. Hay, D. Richards & M. J. Smith (eds.), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
Diamond, P. ‘New Labour, politicisation and depoliticisation: The Delivery Agenda 1997-2007’, British Politics, Volume 10 (4), 2015.
Diamond, P. ‘Labouring in the Shadow of the British Political Tradition: The Dilemma of ‘One Nation’ Politics in an Age of Disunification’, with D. Richards, The Political Quarterly, Volume 86 (1), 2015.
Diamond, P. ‘Depleted Capital: The State of European Social Democracy’, World Politics Review, 28th July 2015.
Diamond, P. & Fitzpatrick, D. ‘Responding to Crisis: Whitehall and the Politics of Austerity’, in M. Paxton et. al. (eds.), Politics in Crisis, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.
Diamond, P. & Lodge, G. ‘Dynamic Social Security after the crisis: Towards a new welfare state?’,, International Social Security Review, Volume 67, Issue 2-3, pp. 37-58, 2014.
Diamond, P. ‘Spending Wisely: Principles for a Good Spending Review: The First Report of the Fabian Commission on Future Spending Choices’, The Political Quarterly, Volume 84 (4), pp. 527–533, 2013.
Diamond, P. ‘The Progressive Dilemmas of British Social Democracy: Political Economy After New Labour’, British Journal of Politics & International Relations, Volume 15, Issue 1, February 2013.
Diamond, P. 'Wanted - a new strategy for the centre left',, Soundings, Issue 50, Spring 2012.
Diamond, P. ‘Step by Step: The EU and Eurozone’s fitful search for better economic governance through the aftershocks of the financial crisis’, with R. Liddle in D. Natali (eds.) Economic Governance Yearbook, Brussels: Peter Lang, 2012.
Diamond, P. ‘The Case for Theoretical and Methodological Pluralism in British Political Studies: Reviewing New Labour’s Political Memoirs and the British Political Tradition’,, Political Studies Review, Volume 10, Issue 1, May 2012.
Diamond, P. & Liddle, R. ‘The coming social crisis in the EU and what is to be done’, in E. Marlier & D. Natali (eds.) Europe 2020: Towards a more social EU, Brussels: Peter Lang, 2011.
Diamond, P. & Liddle, R. ‘Aftershock: The post-crisis social investment welfare state in Europe’,in N. Morel, B. Palier & J. Palme (eds.) Towards a Social Investment Welfare State? Ideas, Policies and Challenges, Bristol: Policy Press, 2011.
Diamond, P. ‘Governing as New Labour: An Inside Account of the Blair and Brown Years’, Political Studies Review, Volume 9, Issue 2, May 2011.
Diamond, P. ‘Beyond the Westminster Model’, Renewal, Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2011.
Diamond, P. ‘Britain and Europe in the Global Age’, in D. Halpern, V. Uberoi & I. Mclean, Options for Britain II, Oxford: Wiley, 2009.
Diamond, P. ‘The Political Salience of Economic Ideas’, in S. Barber (ed.), The City in Europe and the World, London: Wiley/LMU Research Forum, 2006.
Book reviews:
Diamond, P. ‘Book review: Why Governments Get It Wrong’, The Political Quarterly, accepted, 2023.
Diamond, P.‘Review: Anti-System Politics: The Crisis of Market Liberalism in Rich Democracies’, The Political Quarterly, Volume 92 (1), 367-368, 2021.
Diamond, P. ‘Review: Peter Shore: Labour’s forgotten patriot by Kevin Hickson, Jasper Miles and Harry Taylor. Democratic Audit Blog (09 May 2020). Blog Entry, 2020.
Diamond, P. 'Review: Megaphone bureaucracy: Speaking truth to power in the age of the new normal by D. Grube', Governance, Volume 33 (1), pp. 217-219, 2020.
Diamond, P. 'Review: Fifteen Minutes of Power by Peter Riddell', The Political Quarterly, Volume 91 (1), pp. 246-48, 2020.
Diamond, P. ‘Review: Britain: No Poster Child for Neo-Liberalism – What’s Left Now? By A. Hindmoor, The Political Quarterly, Volume 89 (3), 2018.
Diamond, P. ‘The End is Not Nigh: The Future of Social Democracy’, Berlin Policy Journal, July/August 2016.
Diamond, P. ‘Review: The Labour Party Under Ed Miliband by Eunice Goes’, The Political Quarterly, Volume 87 (2), pp. 245-252, 2016.
Diamond, P. ‘A Review of Breadline Britain: The Rise of Mass Poverty’ by S. Lansley and J. Mack, Journal of Social Policy, Volume 45 (1), pp. 6-7, 2015.
Diamond, P. 'Review of Britain in the 1970s by L. Black and H. Pemberton, and Progressive Capitalism by D. Sainsbury', Political Quarterly, Volume 85 (2), April-August 2014.
Diamond, P. ‘Review: The Socialist Way by R. Hattersley and K. Hickson’, New Statesman, June 2013.
Diamond, P. ‘Review: Social Democracy and Capitalism in the Knowledge Age’ (by J. Andersson), The Political Quarterly, Volume 83, Issue 3, 2012.
Diamond, P. ‘Review of Brown at 10 by A. Seldon and G. Lodge’, Juncture: Public Policy Research, Volume 17, Issue 4, February 2011.
Diamond, P. ‘Review of Trio: Inside the Blair, Brown, Mandelson Project by G. Radice’, New Statesman, October 2010.
Diamond, P. ‘Review of the Tortoise and the Hares: Attlee, Morrison, Bevin and Dalton by G. Radice’, Prospect Magazine, January 2009.
Diamond, P. ‘Review of S. Lansley, Super Rich: The Rise and Rise of the New Super Wealthy’, Journal of Social Policy, Volume 37, Issue 2, February 2008.
Selected conference and workshop papers:Keynote presentation, ‘Cultures and Values in UK Government’, Global Government Forum, 30 March 2023.
Keynote speaker, ‘New Labour and Industrial Relations’, Institute for Historical Research, Senate House, 25 March 2023.
Presenter, ‘British Social Democracy 2010-2022’, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Berlin, 6 October 2022.
Presenter, ‘UK Inter-Governmental Relations: CLR in England’, European Public Policy Association Annual Conference, Lisbon, 6-7 September 2022.
Keynote Speaker, ‘English Localism: The Gap Between Promise and Performance’, Centre for Local Government: DMU, Annual Lecture, 16 December 2021.
Presenter, ‘The Westminster Model in Crisis’, Virtual Conference on Crisis in the British State, University of Sorbonne, Paris, 5 February 2021.
Presenter, ‘New Jerusalems: Labour Party Economic Policy-Making 1931-2019’, University of East London/Political Quarterly Seminar on ‘Corbyn’s Labour’, 11 December 2020.
Presenter, ‘English Devolution After Brexit’, University of Edinburgh Centre for Constitutional Change Workshop, 10 December 2020.
Presenter, ‘Permanent Secretaries in Whitehall’, Virtual Seminar on Executive Government and Bureaucratic Politics, University of Oslo, 6 December 2020.
Presenter, Next EU/UK Conference on ‘Brexit Beyond the Border: The Future of UK-Irish Relations’, Queen Mary, University of London, with Dr Barry Colfer, 9 September 2020.
Presenter, European Policy Association Local Governance and Democracy Virtual Seminar, Panel on ‘Intergovernmental relations and the pandemic’, 4 September, 2020.
Presenter, Virtual Panel on ‘Corbyn and Political Leadership’, PSA Annual Conference, Belfast, 6 March 2020.
Keynote speaker, Great Britain China Centre Conference on ‘Public Policy Leadership and Innovation’, St Johns College, Oxford, 14 September 2019.
Presenter, Paper on ‘Evidence and Expertise in Social Policy’, Centre for Social Policy Seminar, Dartington, 19 June 2019.
Keynote speaker, ‘Party manifestos: ‘The hidden face of power’ in an era of populist politics’, The Manifesto User Project Conference, WZB Social Science Centre, Berlin, 7-8th March 2019.
Presenter, ‘Policy Advisory Systems: Contestable Policy-Making in the UK 2010-2015’, European Policy Association Conference, Milan, 7-8th September 2017.
Presenter, ‘New Labour and Depoliticisation’, Prepared for Panel on Politicisation, Depoliticisation and Public Policy, Politics and Policy Conference, University of Bristol, September 18 2013.
Presenter, ‘New Labour and Social Justice’, Prepared for Panel on New Labour: a Retrospective, Intelligence, Security and Strategic Studies Research Cluster, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Leicester, 27th March 2013.
Presenter, ‘Re-centring the British Political Tradition: Explaining Contingency in New Labour and the Coalition’s Governance Statecraft’, Prepared for Panel on Ten Years of Interpreting British Governance: Democratic and Policy Implications, , Political Studies Association Annual Conference, March 25th-27th 2013.
Presenter, ‘Fairness and Responsibility in Taxation and Public Services’, Prepared for Panel on Fairness and Responsibility in an Unequal Society, Arts and Humanities Research Council/University of Exeter, 12th June 2012.
Keynote presentation, ‘The British Centre-Left and State Capacity’, Prepared for Conference on the Political Economy of British Social Democracy After New Labour, University of Warwick, 9th March 2012.
Keynote speaker, ‘The Renewal of European Social Democracy’, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue, Vienna, 7th June 2010.
Public policy pamphlets and papers:
Diamond, P. Alessandro, M. & Shostack, R.’, ‘The Centre of Government in Global Perspective’, Latin American Development Bank, Washington DC, 2023.
Diamond, P. Harding, C. & Hussain, F. ‘Local Research in Poplar, Stratford and Thamesmead’, London: Centre for London, 2022.
Diamond, P. ‘Cabinet, government and No.10’, Constitution and Governance in the UK, London: Britain in a Changing Europe, 2022.
Diamond, P. Hussain, F. & Walker, A. ‘A New Settlement: Place and Well-Being in Local Government’, London: LGIU, 2021.
Diamond, P. & Walker, A. ‘Resilient Place-Shaping’, London: LGLU, 2015.
Diamond, P. ‘Devolution to the North-East: A New Era of Localism and Empowerment’, Newcastle: North-East Economic Forum (NEEF), 2015.
Diamond, P. & Radice, R. (2015) ‘Can Labour Win?’, London: Rowman & Littlefield.
'The Social Reality of Europe After the Crisis: Trends, Challenges and Responses', with D. Sage and R. Liddle, London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015.
Diamond, P. ‘Corporate Stewardship: from Shareholding to Stakeholding', in C. Driver, P. Kenway & J. Williamson (eds.), Beyond Shareholder Value – the reasons and choices for corporate governance reform, London: TUC, 2014.
Diamond, P. ‘Connecting Communities: Neighbourhood Empowerment’, in Connected Localism, J. Carr-West (ed.), Local Government Research and Information Unit, June 2013.
Diamond, P. ‘European Welfare States After the Crisis’, with G. Lodge, London: Policy Network, January 2013.
Diamond, P. ‘Response to R. Hattersley and K. Hickson: In Praise of Social Democracy’, The Political Quarterly, Volume 83, Issue 1, 2012.
Diamond, P.‘Civil Service Reform: Evidence Submitted to the House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee’, with David Richards and Martin Smith, 6th December 2012.
Diamond, P. ‘Political Special Advisers: Evidence Submitted to the House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee’, with D. Richards and M.J. Smith, 15th June 2012.
Diamond, P. ‘The Next British Centre-Left: Labour and the Liberal Tradition’, with M. Kenny, London: Policy Network, March 2012.
Diamond, P. ‘What Mutualism Means for Labour’ (ed.), London: Policy Network, October 2011.
Diamond, P. ‘Southern Discomfort Again’, with G. Radice, London: Policy Network, September 2010.
Diamond, P. ‘The Progressive Agenda: revitalising public service reform’ (ed.), SOLACE Foundation, 2007.
Diamond, P. ‘The North East in the Global Age’, University of Northumbria/North East Economic Forum, 2007.
Diamond, P. ‘Conundrums of Public Service Reform’, London: BBC/Policy Network, 2006.
Diamond, P. ‘Tackling Worklessness in the North East’, University of Northumbria/North East Economic Forum, 2006.
Diamond, P. ‘The Hampton Court Agenda: the Future of the European Social Model’ (ed.), London: Policy Network, 2006.
Diamond, P. ‘Equality Now: The Future of Revisionism’, London: Fabian Society, 2005.
Diamond, P. ‘Family Fortunes: The New Politics of Childhood’ (ed.) London: Fabian Society, 2004.
Diamond, P. Where Next for Social Democracy? (ed.), London: Policy Network, 2003.
Diamond, P. Must Labour Choose? (ed.), London: Progress, 1999.
Academic supervision (PhD):
- Matthew Lloyd, First Supervisor (with Professor Ray Kiely), September 2020.
- Fathima Sulaiman, Second Supervisor (with Professor Martin Laffin), September 2019.
- Lindsay Acqui, Joint First Supervisor (with Dr James Ellison), Completed, May 2018.
- Baris Tufecki, Joint First Supervisor (with Professor Michael Kenny), Completed, February 2018.
- Karl Pike, Joint First Supervisor (with Dr Madeleine Davis), Completed, March 2019.
- Andrew Walker, First Supervisor, Completed, December 2019.
- Colm Murphy, Joint First Supervisor (with Dr Robert Saunders), September 2017.
I am happy to supervise doctoral theses relating to a range of topics in public policy and British politics.
Public Engagement
- Consultant, Humana International, Project on EU Regulation of the Circular Economy and Extended Producer Responsibility Scheme for textiles, 2020-.
- Appointed external adviser to the Latin American Development Bank, Project on the Centre of Government, 2021-23.
- Consultant, Oxford Analytica, 2020-21.
- Adviser to Cabinet Office Project on civil service reform and innovation, 2020.
- Senior Consultant, PWC/DIFD programme on improving governance and public administration in the Balkans.
- Undertaken policy consultancy for a variety of organisations including the Governments of Ukraine and Kosovo, the British Medical Association (BMA), the Government of the Seychelles, a state government of Nigeria, the Overseas Territory of Anguilla, aid organisations in Kenya, and the Local Government Information Unit (LGIU).
- Policy Fellow, Strategy Unit, Ministry of Justice, Whitehall (temporary secondment), 2016-17.
- Associate Research Fellow, Local Government Information Unit (LGIU)
- Fellow, The Academy of Social Sciences
- Research Fellow, Re-Define think-tank
- Advisory Board Member, Applied Policy Sciences Unit (APSU)
Board membership:
- Trustee, The Dartington Service Design Lab
- Trustee, Prisoners’ Education Trust
- Board Member, Campaign for Social Science
- Scientific Council Member, Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS)
- Chair, Policy Network think-tank
- Member of the Diplomatic Excellence Panel of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
- Trustee, Bromley-by-Bow Centre, East London.
- Trustee, Kipper Social Housing Project, Bethnal Green, East London.
Engagement with academia and civil society:
- Appointed as an External Member of the ESRC’s Strategic Advisory Network, 2021-25 (SAN).
- Director, Mile End Institute, Leads Queen Mary’s Research Institute for the Study of Policy and Politics.
- Co-Editor of the Routledge Book Series on British Politics (with Professor Tim Bale).
- Member of prize-giving committee of Institute for Government Essay Prize.
- Engaged with various Fabian Society and Labour party audiences following books on the legacy of Anthony Crosland and post-war Labour history.