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School of Politics and International Relations

Professor Jef Huysmans, PhD (Leuven), MA (Hull) BA (Leuven)


Professor of International Politics

Telephone: 020 7882 8601
Room Number: ArtsOne 2.30B
Twitter: @JefHuysmans
Office Hours: Tuesdays 15:30-16:30 (in person or online) and Thursdays 12:00-13:00 (online). Please book using the link below.


Jef Huysmans is a Professor of International Politics. After completing his PhD at the University of Leuven (Belgium), he accepted a lectureship in International Relations and European Studies at the University of Kent at Canterbury. Subsequently, he joined the Open University, where he taught Politics and International Relations and served as Director of the Centre for Citizenship, Identities and Governance. He became part of Queen Mary University of London in January 2016. 
In 2024, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Social Sciences from the University of Lapland, Finland.

He is best known for his work on the politics of insecurity, the securitisation of migration, critical methods in security studies and international relations, and International Political Sociology. Currently, he is exploring the limits of critique in catastrophic times, the implications of giving conceptual primacy to movement for security and migration studies, and transversalising the international in a post-globalisation context.

He is the co-convenor of the Research Group on International Political Sociology and co-convenes the inter-institutional research hub Doing IPS.

Office hour booking link

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