Cristina received her PhD in European and International Studies from King’s College London in 2018. Before joining Queen Mary in September 2023, she was a lecturer in politics and international studies at the University of Leeds (2021-2023) and a teaching fellow in political science at King’s College London (2018-2021).
Cristina’s research focuses on migration and citizenship in the EU and in the post-EU UK contexts. She researches the evolving relationship between the UK and the EU, with a particular emphasis on the end of the free movement and the implementation of the new immigration framework in the UK. Her latest research shows how the EU Settlement Scheme features both continuity and dismantlement regarding the EU legacy. It also shows how the most vulnerable EU citizens in the UK are discriminated against by the scheme’s digital and automated nature. In 2023 Cristina has been awarded a British Academy and Leverhulme Trust grant to study the post-Brexit intersectional vulnerabilities of immigrant women.
Cristina is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and places research-informed and student-centred teaching at the core of her philosophy. Her interest in automation also covers pedagogical topics and she has recently published on the ways in which artificial intelligence challenges academic integrity.
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Research Interests:
At present, Brexit brings together Cristina’s core research interests in the EU, theories of integration, and the transformations of migration and citizenship. She employs theories of differentiated integration and disintegration to research the UK’s novel relationship to the EU, with a focus on the implications of the end of free movement and of the new UK immigration regime.
In the past she worked on the mismatch between status and rights ingrained in EU citizenship and showed how non-EU citizens enjoy unhindered free movement in contrast to the the reversed free movement and ethnic discrimination experienced by some Roma EU citizens.
Examples of research funding:
In 2023 Cristina has been awarded a British Academy and Leverhulme Trust grant to study the Post-Brexit intersectional vulnerabilities of immigrant women.
Academic publications:
Juverdeanu C. 2024. Brexit and the EU Settlement Scheme: Continuity and rupture with the European Union. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 1–16.
Juverdeanu C. 2024. ‘The EU Settlement Scheme: Footprints in quicksand’, Big Data & Society. 11(2).
Juverdeanu C. 2023. ‘In part’ usage of AI and Academic Integrity. Political Science Educator, Volume 27, Issue 1.
Juverdeanu C. 2022. The EU Market Citizenship paradigm: embraced or abandoned?. Journal of European Integration. 44(7), pp. 1011-1017
Juverdeanu C. 2021. The different gears of EU citizenship. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 47(7), pp. 1596-1612
Juverdeanu C. 2020. ‘Reversed Free Movement’. In: Mantu S; Minderhoud P; Guild E (eds.) EU Citizenship and Free Movement Rights Taking Supranational Citizenship Seriously. BRILL
Juverdeanu C. 2019. ‘Brexit and the European Economic Area: Semi- and quasi-EU citizenship as by-products of external differentiation’. In: Gänzle S; Leruth B; Trondal J (eds.) Differentiated Integration and Disintegration in a Post-Brexit Era. Routledge
de Candia M, Juverdeanu C. 2019. ‘The roots, the shoots and the fertiliser. The securitisation of migration in an age of populism’. In: Talani LS; Rosina M (eds.) Tidal Waves? The Political Economy of Populism and Migration in Europe. Peter Lang
Juverdeanu C. 2016. Roma EU citizens - Caught Between EU and Member States. European Legal Studies Online Papers, Volume 5 (2016) Issue 2.
Extended media commentaries:
Rosina, M. and Juverdeanu, C. Feb 2024. Brexit-like rhetoric on immigration no longer works. LSE British Politics and Policy blog.
Juverdeanu C. Jan 2023. The Schengen Votes (Original I veti di Schengen). Il Mulino.
Juverdeanu C. Dec 2021. Exiting the Dublin System: a catch 22. UK in a Chaining Europe.
Cristina welcomes PhD proposals on topics related to citizenship and migration, particularly in the EU and UK contexts.
Current PhD Students:
Madeleine Berry
Public Engagement
Cristina has given interviews for Bloomberg TV, Channel 4, BBC Radio Scotland, and various online platforms. She has also given policy presentations to civil servants in some London Boroughs.