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School of Politics and International Relations

Dr Corina Lacatus, BA (Bucharest), MA (American University in DC), MA (UCLA), PhD (LSE), PhD (UCLA)


Senior Lecturer in Global Governance

Telephone: TBC
Room Number: ArtsOne, 2.25
Office Hours: Thursday 13:00-15:00 (online or in person). Please email in advance to book a timeslot.


Corina’s research is at the intersection of International Relations and Comparative Politics but also engages actively with Political Communication scholarship. Writ large, she is a scholar of international co-operation and global governance, focusing on the influence that international organisations like the United Nations and the European Union have on domestic institutions, politics, and societies. So far, her research has explored these dynamics in different areas of policy-making and practice – the governance of care for migrants, social exclusion and vulnerability, south-to-north and south-to-south migration, human rights institutions, peace agreements and human rights after conflict, and corruption control. In addition, she has developed a research agenda in Political Communication, focusing on the formation and strategic uses of electoral rhetoric to advance populist political agendas. She has carried out analyses of large bodies of social media data (Twitter-based) and other Internet-based data – blogs, press releases, rally speeches and video material.

Before joining Queen Mary, she worked at Queen’s University Belfast, University of Edinburgh, London School of Economics, American University in Washington DC, University of Illinois, and University of California Los Angeles. She also has two years of practice experience in the field of International Development, working in global migration and global health at different international development organisations in Washington DC.

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