Angus joined the School of Politics and IR as a lecturer in January 2019, having previously taught at King’s College London as well as the QMUL School of Management and Business. He was previously a PhD student at SPIR, completing his doctoral project in March 2019.
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Angus McNelly on Twitter @AngusMcnelly
POL255 Capitalism, Colonialism and Development
POL106 Introduction to International Relations
POL267 Researching Everyday Politics
POL261 Power in Global Governance
Research Interests:
Angus’ PhD project focused on the experiences of the urban working-classes under the progressive government of Evo Morales in Bolivia, where he has spent a significant amount of time conducting research. His research interests are critical political economy, state formation, urban space and cities, social movements, left-wing governments and Latin American political thought. He is currently part of the QMUL Latin America network, Latin American Geographies-UK and co-organises the Urban and Regional Political Economy working group in the International Initiative for the Promotion of Political Economy.
Examples of research funding:
Three-year ESRC studentship (2015–2018).
Latin American Studies Association travel grant (2017).
Post Graduate Fund Grant for fieldwork in Bolivia (2016–2017).
Journal Articles
Shifting State-Social Movement Relations During the Second Incorporation of Popular Sections in Evo Morales’ Bolivia (R&R as a part of a special issue on social movements during the Pink Tide in Latin American Perspectives).
McNelly, A., 2019, Neostructuralism and its Class Character in the Political Economy of Bolivia under Evo Morales. New Political Economy, Available at:
McNelly, A., 2018, Labour Bureaucracy and Labour Officialdom in Evo Morales’ Bolivia. Development and Change, 50(4), pp.896–922.
McNelly, A., 2017. The contours of Gramscian theory in Bolivia: From government rhetoric to radical critique. Constellations, 24(3), pp.432–446.
Magazine Articles
McNelly, A. What happened to the Rebel City? NACLA Special Issue on Latin American Cities (forthcoming, December 2019).
McNelly, A. & Webber, J., 2018. From the United Kingdom to Latin America, Striking for Pensions in the Age of Austerity. NACLA. Available at:
McNelly, A., 2016. The Latest Turn of Bolivia’s Political Merry-Go-Round: The Constitutional Referendum. Viewpoint Magazine. Available at:
McNelly, A., 2016. Evo Morales and the Limits to 21st Century Socialism. ROAR magazine. Available at:
McNelly, A., 2016. El referéndum consititucional: el último giro del carrusel político boliviano. Rebelión. Available at: