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School of Politics and International Relations

Dr Colm Murphy, BA (Cambridge), MPhil (Cambridge), PhD (QMUL)


Lecturer in British Politics

Room Number: ArtsOne 2.05
Twitter: @colm_m
Office Hours: Tuesdays 14:30-15:30 and Wednesdays 09:30-10:30 (please use booking link below)


Colm became Lecturer in British Politics at Queen Mary University of London in 2022. He is a historian of modern British and Irish party politics, political culture, and political economy.

His first book, Futures of Socialism (2023), interrogated debates about the political future of the Labour Party (UK) from the 1970s to the 1990s, a period of defeat and disorientation for the left across Europe and North America. Colm has published several additional articles and book chapters on 1970s-80s social democracy (including its political culture, evolving electoral strategy, and economic policymaking) and on Irish labour relations and nationalism in the 1910s. His more recent work has focused on the discipline of political history, the politics of ‘austerity’, and the Keynesian political tradition.

Since 2018, Colm has worked for the Mile End Institute and is currently its Deputy Director. His research has been published, cited or mentioned in media outlets like the Observer, City AM, History Today, Prospect, Times Radio, the Fabian Review, and the Irish Examiner, and he has appeared on France 24 and Deutsche Welle’s ‘Inside Europe’. He is a co-convenor of the ‘Britain at Home and Abroad since 1800’ seminar at the Institute of Historical Research, a Special Sections co-editor at The Political Quarterly, and a Contributing Editor to Renewal: A Journal of Social Democracy.

Students who wish to book an advice and feedback appointment in Colm’s office hours should visit this page.

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